Research Article

Measuring Staff Empowerment Regarding Health Care for Clients with Intellectual Disabilities

Table 1

Final version of Staff Empowerment Tool (SET).

It is important that I take an active role in my client’s health.123 45
I have an impact on my client’s health.123 45
I know how to help my client prevent problems with her health.123 45
I know how often my client should have a mammogram and when she is due for a mammogram.123 45
If my client asked me to help her schedule a mammogram, I would know how to help her.123 45
I am confident that I can support my client during a mammogram.123 45
I am confident I can help my client understand what will happen during her mammogram.123 45
I can describe what a mammogram does and why it is important.123 45

1: strongly disagree; 2: disagree; 3: neither agree nor disagree; 4: agree; 5: strongly agree.