Clinical Study

Placebo-Controlled Discontinuation of Long-Term Acid-Suppressant Therapy: A Randomised Trial in General Practice

Table 2

Gastrointestinal symptoms at baseline and after 1 year according to randomization group.

Gastrointestinal symptom rating scale, median (IQR)Baseline1 year value

Total score2.6 (2.4; 2.8)2.5 (2.3; 2.7)1.9 (1.7; 2.1)1.8 (1.7; 2.0)0.73
Abdominal pain2.7 (2.4; 3.0)2.6 (2.4; 2.8)2.0 (1.8; 2.3)1.8 (1.6; 2.0)0.58
Reflux3.2 (2.8; 3.5)3.1 (2.7; 3.4)1.8 (1.6; 2.0)1.8 (1.6; 2.0)0.74
Indigestion3.1 (2.8; 3.3)3.0 (2.7; 3.2)2.2 (2.0; 2.5)2.2 (1.9; 2.4)0.83
Diarrhea2.2 (1.9; 2.5)1.9 (1.6; 2.1)1.6 (1.4; 1.8)1.5 (1.3; 1.7)0.48
Constipation2.2 (1.9; 2.5)2.0 (1.7; 2.3)1.8 (1.5; 2.0)1.7 (1.5; 2.0)0.88

Esomeprazole 40 mg.
Gastrointestinal symptom rating scale. Range 1–7. Increasing values reflect increasing symptoms.
Between group comparison. Difference in GSRS score at entry versus one year. Conditional linear regression adjusted for GP clusters.