Research Article

Clonal Propagation of Khaya senegalensis: The Effects of Stem Length, Leaf Area, Auxins, Smoke Solution, and Stockplant Age

Figure 2

Main effect of stockplant donor on the percentage of rooted cuttings (a), the number of roots per rooted cutting (b), the length of the longest root (c), and the number of secondary roots (d) of Khaya senegalensis. 3 mS: 3-month-old seedling shoots; 100 yR: resprouts of 100-year-old pollarded trees; 5 yT: crown sprouts of 5-year-old trees; 15 yT: crown sprouts of 15-year-old trees. Means followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different at the 5% level according to Tukey’s multiple comparison test.