Research Article

The High Input of Soil Organic Matter from Dead Tree Fine Roots into the Forest Soil

Table 3

The amount of live, dead, and live + dead fine roots (<1 mm in diameter) and differences on different sampling occasions, annual means, Σ annual increases of fine roots and turnover rate of live, dead, and live + dead fine roots at a fresh/moist coniferous fern forest site at Forsmark.

Sampling numberLiveDeadLive + dead

(1)317 ± 196226 ± 543 ± 205
(2)113 ± 321 ± 434 ± 212
(3)150 ± 112180 ± 330 ±
(4)248 ± 299 ± 546 ±

Annual means207257463

Σ Annual increases135214216

Turnover rate0.70.80.5

Sampling took place on 4 sampling occasions: October 20th, 2004 (1), April 18th, 2005 (2), August 2nd, 2005 (3), and October 28th, 2005 (4). Estimates are given as mean values ±SD (n = 32). Significant increases are marked by and . Differences are significant at (Student’s -test).