Research Article

Evaluating Potential Changes in Fire Risk from Eucalyptus Plantings in the Southern United States

Table 5

FCCS fire behavior potentials for fuelbeds typical of the southeastern United States. FCCS potentials are index values.

Slash pine plantation (FCCS 156)Longleaf and slash pine forest with prescribed fire (FCCS 191)Longleaf and slash pine forest with fire exclusion (FCCS 182)

Surface fire behaviour potential 478
Reaction potential5.17.99
Spread potential4.26.97.8
Flame length potential3.85.76.4
Crown fire potential324
Initiation potential2.73.13.4
Transmissivity potential7.207.2
Spread potential2.12.73.5
Available fuel potential326
Flame available fuel potential1.61.41.9
Smoldering available fuel potential10.43.7
Residual available fuel potential0.10.10.3
FCCS fire potential code433722846
Flame length (m)0.912.443.14
Spread rate (m hr−1)80.47217.63279.81