Research Article

The Effects of Mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) on Soils and Plant Communities in the Deserted Rangelands of Bahrain

Table 1

Mean values and standard errors (n = 32) of soil chemical properties in the understory of P. juliflora trees and the uncanopied adjacent areas.

Depth (cm)Area/soil propertiesEC (mS/cm)pHN (%)P (mg·L−1)K (mg·L−1)Na (mg·L−1)Ca (mg·L−1)Mg (mg·L−1)SOM (%)

0–5Understory2.43 (1.09)AB8.08 (0.06)AB0.24 (0.05)A805 (233)A190 (122)A63 (36.8)A345 (125)A77.6 (36.2)ABC1.47 (0.30)A
Uncanopied1.77 (0.57)AB8.10 (0.03)A0.11 (0.01)B347 (42.2)BC59.5 (31.6)A89.1 (75.4)A303 (60.6)A35.8 (9.66)BC0.67 (0.07)B
5–20Understory3.56 (0.89)A7.98 (0.07)AB0.18 (0.04)A511 (55.1)B182 (54.3)A107 (36)A572 (156)A96 (25)AB0.74 (0.11)B
Uncanopied1.93 (0.44)AB8.02 (0.03)AB0.07 (0.01)BC209 (33.3)C55.5 (18.2)A73.9 (40)A382 (117)A38.7 (5.79)BC0.31 (0.07)C
20–40Understory3.41 (0.63)AB7.9 (0.04)B0.10 (0.01)BC234 (40.3)C155 (31.1)A123 (39)A547 (126)A98.9 (22.5)A0.41 (0.07)BC
Uncanopied1.44 (0.45)B8.10 (0.07)A0.05 (0.01)BC175 (27.8)C50.6 (8.06)A24.2 (14.1)A350 (169)A30.5 (3.81)C0.12 (0.02)C
40–60Understory2.52 (0.77)AB8.03 (0.11)AB0.04 (0.004)BC137 (33.2)C121 (22.2)A104 (45.1)A395 (120)A84.7 (20.4)ABC0.12 (0.02)C
Uncanopied2.75 (0.66)AB7.96 (0.06)AB0.04 (0.01)C147 (19.2)C69.1 (14.9)A98.4 (63.8)A585 (135)A62.7 (19.9)ABC0.21 (0.03)C

levels not connected by the same letter are significantly different () according to Student’s t-test.