Research Article

Woody Species Diversity and Structure of Protected Woodlands Adjacent to Free Grazing Land Woodland at Dugda Woreda, Oromia, Ethiopia

Table 2

Mean diversity indices and richness of woody species in protected and free grazed woodland.

Types of woodlandShannonEvennessSimpsonSpecies richness

Free grazed woodland1.69 ± 0.77b0.74a ± 0.250.86a ± 0.257.28a ± 3.23
Protected woodland2.26 ± 0.67a0.51b ± 0.210.82a ± 0.218.63b ± 4.23
Grand mean1.97 ± 0.720.62 ± 0.230.73 ± 0.237.96 ± 5.52

Different superscript small letters indicate there is significant variation between the two woodland categories (F test,  < 0.05) with Shannon, evenness, and richness of woodland.