Review Article

Food Safety Challenges towards Safe, Healthy, and Nutritious Street Foods in Bangladesh

Table 1

Summary of street-vended food in Dhaka city survey, conducted during April to October 2010 among 1137 vendors.

% answeredNumber of vendor

Socioeconomics of street food sector
 Are street-vended foods a significant part of the urban food supply?74841
 Is street-vending of foods an important mean of employment?69784
 Are a significant number of women employed in this sector? 62704
 Are street-vended foods important in rural areas? 22250
Description of street vended foods% answered
 Type of food
  Grain and cereal64727
  Fruit and vegetables 86977
  Meat and fish 85966
  Fried foods76864
  Beverages 65739
 Type of preparation
  Ready to eat 77875
  Cooked on site 82932
  None (raw) 65739
 Condition of preparation
  Preparation too far in advance73830
  Left at room temperature82932
  Foods cooked in large pots33375
  Improper warm holding72818
  Extra large quantities prepared38432
  Inadequate reheating72818
  Inadequate cleaning of equipment72818
Conditions normally encountered in the trade% answered
 Type of facility
  Mobile carts 75852
  Fixed stalls 881000
  Improved food centers32363
 Type of infrastructure
  Potable water 47534
  Toilets 15170
  Hand washing facilities 22250
  Dish/utensil washing 48545
  Refrigeration available NoneNone
  Waste disposal 47534

Answered noAnswered yes

Regulation of street foods
 Laws and regulations covering street-vended food exist1080 56
 Registration of street vendors required1131023
 Code of practice applied108057
 Periodic training required571080
 Periodical medical exam required21135