Research Article

Genetic Variation of Flavonols Quercetin, Myricetin, and Kaempferol in the Sri Lankan Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) and Their Health-Promoting Aspects

Table 2

Flavonols profile of three varieties of C. sinensis (all units are in mg g−1; data represent the mean of six replicates ± standard error).

Compoundsvar. sinensis ()var. assamica ()ssp. lasiocalyx ()Nonbeverage types ()

Myricetin1.07 ± 0.350.86 ± 0.260.96 ± 0.370.28 ± 0.02
Quercetin2.11 ± 0.721.44 ± 0.561.43 ± 0.641.86 ± 0.82
Kaempferol1.25 ± 0.251.43 ± 0.451.30 ± 0.521.37 ± 0.63

Total flavonols4.43 ± 0.973.73 ± 0.883.69 ± 1.183.29 ± 0.66