Review Article

High Throughput Sequencing Technologies as a New Toolbox for Deep Analysis, Characterization and Potentially Authentication of Protection Designation of Origin Cheeses?

Table 1

Advantages and limitations of technological uses of HTS in dairy industry.

Advantages and limitations of technological uses of HTS in dairy industry

(i) Identification and characterization of cheese microbiome.(i) Elevated cost of genome and transcriptome sequencing.
(ii) Understanding how microbial metabolic and monitoring capacities may affect cheese sensorial characteristics.(ii) Errors elicited during reading the data.
(iii) Evaluation of the effects of cheese manufacturing conditions in cheese microbial communities and sensorial characteristics development.(iii) The currently available platforms can only detect with accuracy taxa reaching the genus level, so the detection of some food-borne pathogens demands additional methods.
(iv) Identification of potential biomarkers for evaluation of normal cheese ripening process and aroma compounds production.(iv) Fluctuations in measurements due to sample processing, DNA isolation and the sequencing process.
(v) Better understanding of the microbial physiology during the different levels of the ripening procedure.(v) Require sophisticated computational systems in combination with bioinformatic tools.
(vi) Allow the improvement of cheese manufacturing to ensure safety, authenticate and protect the origin of various cheeses.