Research Article

Nutritional Quality and Safety of Complementary Foods Developed from Blends of Staple Grains and Honey Bee Larvae (Apis mellifera)

Table 4

Percentage contribution of macro- and micronutrients provided by complementary foods and commercial wean mix meeting RDA for 6-12 months.

NutrientsRDAPercentage RDA met
ComF01ComF02Commercial wean mix

Energy (kcal)85049.1750.2645.32
Protein (g/day)11114.18106.8298
Carbohydrate (g)9567.3966.1983.36
Fat (g)3041.3347.679.40
Ca (mg)26012.2217.0526.23
Zn (mg/day)394.6797.3373.33
Fe (mg/day)11365.18372.1852.64
Vitamin A (μg RE)50033.34141.36416
B1 (thiamine) (mg/day)0.3270.6716080
B2 (riboflavin) (mg/day)0.417565110
B3 (niacin) (mg/day)4.0130.75205158.25
B6 (pyridoxine) (mg/day)0.396.67150176.67
B9 (folate) (μg/day)8063.75108.3897.2

ComF01: complementary food 01 (white maize+red teff+soybean); ComF02: complementary food 02 (white maize+red teff+insect bee larvae); commercial wean mix (Mama’s Choice); βsource dietary reference intake [2, 67].