Research Article

An Exon-Based Comparative Variant Analysis Pipeline to Study the Scale and Role of Frameshift and Nonsense Mutation in the Human-Chimpanzee Divergence

Figure 4

A comparative display of the melanoma-associated gene C3 in humans and chimpanzees: exon-disrupting mutations (I) and resulting domain structures (II). Note: exons were named in the format of where A is the short abbreviation of mammalian species and B is the index of the exons. For example, is the first target exon of the human melanoma-associated gene C3 and highlighted by blue, , , are the three exons derived from due to the mutations. The neighboring chimpanzee exons were highlighted by dark and light gray alternatively. The subscript “X” represents nonsense mutation and “!” represents frameshift mutations (a). The cross represents the truncated part of the protein sequence and MAGE domain (b).