Research Article

Microarray Analysis of Transcriptome of Medulla Identifies Potential Biomarkers for Parkinson’s Disease

Table 1

Relevant miRNAs for the 365 common differentially expressed genes.


hsa_GGCAGCT, MIR-22DB_ID:780 ; raw ; adj
hsa_TGAATGT, MIR-181A, MIR-181B, MIR-181C, MIR-181DDB_ID:669 ; raw ; adj
hsa_GCAAAAA, MIR-129DB_ID:798 ; raw ; adj
hsa_TGGTGCT, MIR-29A, MIR-29B, MIR-29CDB_ID:671 ; raw ; adj
hsa_TTTTGAG, MIR-373DB_ID:844 ; raw ; adj
hsa_TGCTTTG, MIR-330DB_ID:843 ; raw ; adj
hsa_TTGCACT, MIR-130A, MIR-130BDB_ID:676 ; raw ; adj
hsa_TATTATA, MIR-374DB_ID:727 ; raw ; adj

DB_Num: number assigned by the database; : number of differentially expressed genes regulated by the miRNA; raw : initial value calculated according to the hypergeometric distribution; adj : value after adjusted with the Benjamini-Hochberg correction method.