Research Article

DNA-Encoded Chromatin Structural Intron Boundary Signals Identify Conserved Genes with Common Function

Table 2

values indicating significance of ontological enrichment for genes exhibiting the U − 26 or D + 26 feature in vivo.

GO category K U − 26 G U − 26 K D + 26 G D + 26

ATP binding 8.86e−07 N/A 4.04e−05 8.55e−05
ATPase activity 9.32e−04 N/A N/A N/A
Helicase activity N/A N/A N/A N/A
Motor activity N/A 6.76e−04 N/A 2.47e−05
Number of genes 587 655 647 636

values indicating significance of ontological enrichment for genes exhibiting the U − 26 or D + 26 feature in vivo in two cell lines, K562 (K) and Gm12878 (G). Measures of significance of enrichment as indicated by GOrilla [35].