Research Article

Differential Analysis of Genetic, Epigenetic, and Cytogenetic Abnormalities in AML

Figure 5

Differential methylation of samples based on traits and GO enrichment. (a) Density plot of average promoter methylation in T (15; 17) positive (x-axis) versus negative (y-axis) patient groups. The density plot is overlaid with a scatter plot in which promoters with FDR-corrected value < 0.05 are depicted as red points. (b) Volcano plot for T (15; 17) showing the relationship between differences in group mean methylation and uncorrected value for every gene promoter. (c) Word cloud showing the most enriched Gene Ontology terms in the category molecular function, when the top 100 hypomethylated gene promoters in the T (15; 17)-positive patient group are considered. Larger font size indicates a more significant value.