Research Article

Highly Variable Genomic Landscape of Endogenous Retroviruses in the C57BL/6J Inbred Strain, Depending on Individual Mouse, Gender, Organ Type, and Organ Location

Figure 2

Spatial variations in the MLV-ERV landscapes among germ line and somatic genomes from a single C57BL/6J inbred mouse. (a) Variable MLV-ERV landscapes of 13 nonlymphoid organ and sperm genomic DNA samples. MLV-ERV landscapes were highly variable among the 13 nonlymphoid organ and sperm genomic DNA samples derived from a single C57BL/6J mouse although they share a collection of I-PCR amplicon bands. A reversed image of the selected area is presented for better resolution. SM: size marker; SP: sperm; AG: adrenal gland; BR: brain; CH: cerebellar hemisphere; HE: heart; KI: kidney; LI: liver; LU: lung; PA: pancreas; SG: salivary gland; SI: small intestine; SK: skin; SV: seminal vesicle; TE: testes. (b) Variable MLV-ERV landscapes of five lymphoid organ and sperm genomic DNA. Five lymphoid organ and sperm genomic DNA samples, derived from the same mouse as in (a), had variations in banding patterns of I-PCR amplicons. A reversed image of the selected area is presented for better visualization. SM: size marker; SP: sperm; BM: bone marrow; TH: thymus; SP: spleen; M-LN: mesenteric lymph node; I-LN: inguinal lymph node.