Research Article

Haplotypes for Type, Degree, and Rate of Marbling in Cattle Are Syntenic with Human Muscular Dystrophy

Figure 1

Marbling and muscular dystrophy are syntenic on Bota 19 and chromosome 17. Coloured boxes represent segments with the same gene content. Crossed joining lines indicate inverted translocations. Numbers represent Mb. Synteny was determined by the positions of homologous genes in the human assembly Hg 38 and bovine assembly BosTau8 located using the UCSC Genome Browser. Inverted sections and the exact location of boundaries between blocks were determined by dotplots [63] comparing the two sequences. The annotated dotplots used are shown in Supplementary Figure available online at The positions of genes associated with muscular dystrophy are shown in the first row of letters above Hosa 17. The association to muscular dystrophy is shown in the table below [65ā€“70]. The positions of genes involved in the regulation of muscle development by SREBF1, either directly or through BHLHE40 and BHLHE41 (previously known as BHLHB2 and BHLHB3, resp.), are shown in the second row of letters above Hosa 17. Adapted from [3] with permission. We thank Dr. Joe Williamson for the assistance with this figure.