Research Article

Transcriptome Analysis of Orange Head Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) and Molecular Marker Development

Table 3

KEGG pathway-enrichment analysis in DEGs (Q value ≤ 0.05).

Pathway IDPathway annotationDEGs with pathway annotationQ value

ko01110Biosynthesis of secondary metabolitesBra035683, Bra039047, Bra029560, Bra001454,
Bra011759, Bra010598, Bra004735, Bra025756, Bra039945,
Bra031132, Bra024643, Bra039555, Bra040203
ko00906Carotenoid biosynthesisBra004735, Bra018969, Bra039945, Bra0402030.001346228
ko00945Stilbenoid, diarylheptanoid,
and gingerol biosynthesis
Bra039047, Bra011759, Bra010598, Bra0395550.011866805
ko00130Ubiquinone and other
terpenoid-quinone biosyntheses
Bra029560, Bra0311320.032958714
ko00903Limonene and pinene degradationBra039047, Bra011759, Bra0105980.032958714