Research Article

Genome-Wide Identification and Transcriptional Expression Analysis of Cucumber Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Family in Response to Various Abiotic Stresses

Figure 2

Multiple sequence alignment of deduced amino acid sequences of CsSOD proteins. Cu/ZnSOD signatures (GFH[VLI]H[EA][FL]GDTT and GNAG[GAE]R[VLI]ACG) are boxed in blue. The metal-binding sites for Cu2+ and Zn2+ are highlighted with yellow and red, respectively. The conserved metal-binding domain (DVWEHAYY) for Fe-MnSOD is in black box. The signature ([AE][QL][VI]WNH[TD]F[YFL]W[EH][CS]) responsible for the recognition of iron ion by FeSODs is boxed in pink. The conserved metal-binding motifs (MxCxxC and CxC) of CsCSD3 are highlighted in green. Six metal-binding sites in MnSOD are marked with cyan, and three residues (His, Gln, and Asp) that are present only in MnSOD and absent in FeSODs are marked with cyan in red box.