Research Article

Molecular Characterization of a Multidrug-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Strain R46 Isolated from a Rabbit

Figure 1

Circular maps of the plasmids pR46-27 (a) and pR46-270 (b). (a, b) Counting from the center toward the outside: (1) the inner most circle shows the position in kb. (2) GC skew (G-C/G+C), with a positive GC skew toward the outside and a negative GC skew toward the inside. (3) GC content, with an average of 50%, whereby a G+C content of more than 50% is shown toward the outside, otherwise, inward. (4) Genes encoded in the leading strands (outwards) or lagging strands (inwards). Genes with different functions are shown in different colors: red: drug resistance; yellow: mobile genetic elements; orange: transfer conjugation; green: virulence; blue: heavy metal resistance; gray: genes with unknown functions; light green: genes with other functions. (a) The plasmid pR46-27 was used as the reference genome and compared to the sequences of pCTXM-2771 (MF589339), pACN001-A (KC853434), and p160070-CTXM (MG288677). (b) R1: multidrug resistance region; R2: transfer and maintenance region; R3: heavy metal resistance and virulence region.