Research Article

Automatic Road Pavement Assessment with Image Processing: Review and Comparison

Table 2

The imaging systems. For each kind of configuration, the given details are the orientation of the sensor (O.) that can be perpendicular or not to the road plane, the number of sensors, the presence (—) or not of a laser, the presence (—) or not of overlapping images (R.) between the different acquisitions. For the sensors, we distinguish 2D sensors (CCD, charged couple device) from 1D sensor (linear camera coupled with laser).


1 (2D sensor)[717]
1 (2D sensor)[18, 19]
More than one (2D sensors)[20, 21]
More than one (1D sensors)[22, 23]
More than one (2D sensors)[24, 25]
More than one (2D sensors)[26]