Research Article

Ground-Penetrating Radar Investigations along Hajipur Fault: Himalayan Frontal Thrust—Attempt to Identify Near Subsurface Displacement, NW Himalaya, India

Figure 4

Sliced 3D grid profile across the HF2 scarp at Sandhwal Village collected with 200 MHz antenna (refer to Figures 2(a) and 2(b) for location). The profile was collected for a grid-ABCD with dimensions of 20 m × 6 m. The dashed lines and arrowheads represent the faults. The grid was sliced along the   -axis along the strike of the scarp at 1 m interval (seven slices from ag). Changes in the pattern of deformation along the strike can be noticed from the slices. For location of the grid, refer to Figure 2.