Research Article

Hepatitis C Virus E2 Protein Ectodomain Is Essential for Assembly of Infectious Virions

Figure 4

Intracellular distribution of HCV structural proteins. Transfected S6.1/JFH1 and S6.1/Con1E2 grown on coverslips were fixed and stained with the anti-E1/E2 chimpanzee antisera L559 (green) and the mouse monoclonal antibody 3GI-I (blue). Lipid droplets were stained with oil red O. The merge images and the corresponding magnification are shown on the right. (a) Intracellular distribution of E1/E2, core and lipid droplets. (b) Relative intracellular colocalization of E1/E2 and core proteins. For S6.1/Con1E2 cells, two different populations are showed in panel (b). Bars, 20  m.