Clinical Study

Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma as a Bridge to Liver Transplantation: A Retrospective Study

Table 1

Baseline patients characteristics.


Number of patients30
Sex (M/F)23/7
Median age at listing years (range)55 (35–68)
Origin (%)
 Caucasian22 (73)
 Asian4 (13)
 South American3 (10)
 African1 (3)
Cause of liver cirrhosis (%)
 Hepatitis C virus9 (33)
 Hepatitis B virus8 (27)
 Combined causes9 (30)
 Alcohol abuse2 (7)
 NASH2 (7)
Hepatocellular carcinoma (%)30 (100)
 Diagnosis (%)
   2 imaging studies18 (60)
   1 imaging study + alfa-foeto proteins9 (30)
   Biopsy3 (10)
 Median AFP, ng/ml (range)27,8 (2.6–3000)
 Mean lesion size, mm (range)23,8 (10–60 mm)
 Number of lesions, patients (%)
   One lesion18 (60)
   Two lesions3 (10)
   Three lesions7 (23)
   Four lesions2 (7)
 Milan at diagnosis (%)
   In24 (80)
   Out6 (20)