Research Article

Dose-Dependent Change in Elimination Kinetics of Ethanol due to Shift of Dominant Metabolizing Enzyme from ADH 1 (Class I) to ADH 3 (Class III) in Mouse

Figure 8

Effect of ethanol dose on theoretical liver ADH 1 and ADH 3 activities in two-ADH-complex model. Liver ADH 1 activity was estimated by multiplying the ADH 1 content by the /mg of ADH 1 (4.0 units/mg). The ADH 3 activity was calculated by subtracting the ADH 1 activity from the total liver ADH activity. The total liver ADH activity was from Figure 3(a) and liver ADH 1 content from Figure 3(b). The theoretical ADH 1 (○) and ADH 3 (□) activities were obtained by normalizing by the ratio of the total ADH activity to that for the control.