Review Article

Liver Transplantation and Hepatitis C

Table 1

Factors associated with the severity of recurrent hepatitis C after liver transplantation.

VariablesEffect on recurrent hepatitis C

Donor and graft factors
 AgeMore severe disease (>40, >50, >65)
 SteatosisFew studies
 Prolonged ischemic timeMore severe disease
 HCV+ graftNo influence
 Reduced size versus whole liver (LDLT versus DDLT)No difference
Pretransplant recipient factors
 Genotype 1bControversial
 Pre-LT higher viral loadUnclear
 AgeFew studies
 RaceFew studies
 SexFew studies
 HIV coinfectionNo influence
 IL-28B gene polymorphismMore severe disease in CT and TT genotype
Posttransplant recipient factors
 Post-LT higher viral loadMore severe disease
 CMV infectionUnclear More severe disease
 Diabetes mellitus (metabolic syndrome)More severe disease
 Steroid bolusMore severe disease
 OKT3More severe disease
 Maintenance steroidSevere disease when rapidly tapered
 Steroid free regimenNo influence
 Tacrolimus versus CyclosporineNo difference
 Anti-IL-2 receptor antibodiesControversial
 Mycophenolate mofetilControversial
 mTOR inhibitorsFew studies

Abbreviations: CMV: cytomegalovirus; DDLT: deceased donor liver transplantation; HCV: hepatitis C virus; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; LDLT: living-donor liver transplantation; LT: liver transplantation; mTOR: mammalian target of rapamycin.