Clinical Study

HCV Integrated Care: A Randomized Trial to Increase Treatment Initiation and SVR with Direct Acting Antivirals

Table 2

Multivariable regression analysis.
(a) Association between time to treatment initiation and intervention group

VariablesHazard ratio95% confidence interval value

Intervention group, IC versus UC1.88(0.82, 4.27)0.13
Age0.95(0.92, 0.99)0.01
Genotype (type 2, 3, and 4 versus type 1)3.24(1.43, 7.37)0.01

(b) Association between SVR and intervention group

VariablesOdds ratio95% confidence interval value

Intervention group, IC versus UC2.91(0.92, 9.27)0.07

IC = Integrated Care; UC = Usual Care.