Research Article

Recombinant Expression and Characterization of Human and Murine ACE2: Species-Specific Activation of the Alternative Renin-Angiotensin-System

Figure 2

In vitro turnover rates of rhACE2 and rmACE2. The turnover rates for natural ACE2 substrates were determined by in vitro incubation with excess amounts of substrate followed by reversed-phase HPLC analysis. Therefore, 14 nM rmACE2 or rhACE2 were coincubated with 65 μM Ang 1–8 (a) in MES buffer and aliquots were taken at indicated time points. The resulting time courses are shown in the graphs. The turnover rates for Ang 1–10 were determined in MES buffer containing 1.5 μM rmACE2 or rhACE2 and 65 μM Ang 1–10 (b) as described in Section 2. Each time point was analyzed in true triplicates and standard deviations are given in the graphs together with linear regressions of the measured values.