Research Article

From Rat to Human: Regulation of Renin-Angiotensin System Genes by Sry

Figure 1

Modeling Sry variations of Sry1, Sry3, and hSRY. (a) Schematic of the rat Sry and human SRY proteins with amino acid 76 of rat (131 of human) shown. In red is the N-terminus, black the HMG box, blue the hinge domain, green the bridge domain, and orange the C-terminus. (b) Amino acid 76 (red) can be seen to interact with DNA (cyan) on modeled rat Sry1. (c) 1j46 (human SRY bound to DNA) was energy-minimized and the distances of the carbon alpha of the proline, amino acid at 76 (131), were measured from four different phosphates of DNA (DC 105, DC 107, DG 127, and DA 126). (d) 1j46 (P76T), in which the proline was substituted with a threonine, was energy-minimized and distance-measured.