Research Article

Multilocus Family-Based Association Analysis of Seven Candidate Polymorphisms with Essential Hypertension in an African-Derived Semi-Isolated Brazilian Population

Table 6

Analysis of haplotypic effects (G-350A/C825T) on blood pressure-related phenotypes.

TraitNHaplotypesHaplotypic effectsLD measuresLR test
G(-350A)C825TOR (95% CI)P value (df)P value

Hypertension384GCreference0.400.105.29 (3)0.152
GT0.586 (0.358–0.958)0.033
AC0.591 (0.336–1.040)0.068
AT0.865 (0.451– 1.659)0.661

(95% CI)P value

SBP (mmHg)384GCreference0.400.107.04 (3)0.071
GT−2.208 (−6.734–2.318)0.339
AC−0.482 (−5.95–4.986)0.862
AT−1.361 (−7.39–4.67)0.658

(95% CI)P value

DBP (mmHg)384GCreference0.400.102.82 (3)0.420
GT−1.247 (−3.878–1.383)0.352
AC−2.328 (−5.447–0.792)0.143
AT−1.996 (−5.596–1.605)0.277

N: sample size. OR: odds ratio. EH: essential hypertension. LD: linkage disequilibrium. LR: likelihood ratio. df: degrees of freedom. : expected linear increment in the trait per additional copy of the haplotype (in mmHg). All results refer to the additive model of analysis and are adjusted for age, gender, and BMI. Analyses were also performed under both dominant and recessive models of action, yielding qualitatively analogous results (data not shown). The overall proportion of haplotypes G-350A/C825T in the studied population was 0.197, 0.499, 0.196, and 0.108 for haplotypes GC, GT, AC, and AT, respectively. For the hypertension status, haplotypic frequencies for hypertensive/normotensive participants were as follows: GC: 0.248/0.186, GT: 0.443/0.523, AC: 0.195/0.190 and AT: 0.114/0.10.