Research Article

Relationship between Plasma Aldosterone Levels and Left Ventricular Mass in Hypertensive Africans

Table 3

Biochemical, hormonal, and echocardiographic characteristics of the subjects according  to aldosterone concentration tertiles.

Variable Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3 value
(<231 pmol·L−1)(231–276 pmol·L−1)(>276 pmol·L−1)
( ) ) ( )

Plasma  aldosterone (pmol·L−1) 187.6 (28.70) 255.5 (11.41) 315.0 (37.63) 0.0000
Plasma renin (ng·mL−1) 19.3 (4.313) 21.6 (5.453) 26.2 (9.674) 0.0032
ARR 10.1 (2.242) 12.5 (3.019) 13.7 (6.228) 0.0002
Age (yrs) 49.3 (10.72) 49.9 (11.53) 48.0 (11.10) 0.7492
Body mass index 26.3 (4.971) 27.4 (4.349) 26.3 (5.136) 0.5103
Plasma  sodium (mmol·L−1) 138.4 (7.598) 136.3 (6.929) 137.9 (8.173) 0.3514
Plasma  potassium (mmol·L−1) 4.25 (0.747) 3.87 (0.804) 3.98 (0.798) 0.0974
LV  internal  diameter (diastole) 4.71 (0.406) 4.76 (0.485) 4.76 (0.489) 0.8697
LV  posterior  wall thickness (cm) 1.13 (0.159) 1.13 (0.191) 1.14 (0.187) 0.8970
IV septal thickness (cm) 1.05 (0.184) 1.09 (0.219) 1.02 (0.203) 0.2265
Relative wall thickness 0.48 (0.085) 0.48 (0.092) 0.48 (0.082) 0.7365
LV mass index (g·m−2.7) 47.1 (9.217) 50.9 (14.59) 47.8 (15.85) 0.3036
Systolic  blood  pressure (mmHg) 154.1 (21.57) 145.8 (24.15) 152.4 (23.40) 0.1871
Diastolic  blood  pressure (mmHg) 91.5 (11.86) 85.7 (12.28) 87.5 (10.93) 0.0948
Left atrial diameter (cm) 3.87 (0.421) 3.78 (0.513) 3.89 (0.604) 0.5749
LV geometry
 Normal geometry (%) 22.2 27.9 27.3
 Concentric  remodelling (%) 55.6 37.2 45.5 0.5945
 Eccentric  hypertrophy (%) 11.1 14.0 6.8
 Concentric  hypertrophy (%) 11.1 20.9 20.4

ARR: aldosterone-to-renin ratio; LV: left ventricular; IV: interventricular.