Review Article

Definition of Nonresponse to Analgesic Treatment of Arthritic Pain: An Analytical Literature Review of the Smallest Detectable Difference, the Minimal Detectable Change, and the Minimal Clinically Important Difference on the Pain Visual Analog Scale

Table 1

Smallest detectable difference (SDD) of the 0–100 mm pain VAS reported in studies of rheumatoid arthritis.

Study Baseline pain VAS scoreaSDD
MeanSDAbsolute valuebAs % of pain VAS score

Uhlig et al. 2009 [10]2829.523.7−18.6, +26.0±76%
Pincus et al. 2008 [11]26439.8c29.1c−19.0, +19.4±48%
Lassere et al. 2001 [12]2437−20, +16.3±49%

SD: standard deviation; SDD: smallest detectable difference; VAS: visual analog scale.
a0–100 mm pain VAS from 0, no pain, to 100, very severe pain.
bAll 10-mm scale values were converted to a 100-point scale by multiplying by ten.
cValues provided by T. Pincus and C. Swearingen for the “line 1” scores (see original article).