Research Article

Assessment of the Microbiota in Microdissected Tissues of Crohn's Disease Patients

Table 1

Patient characteristics.


1 (*)32CDWTWTWTRight hemicolectomy
2 (*)36CDHEWTWTRight hemicolectomy
3 (*)22CDHEHEWTRight hemicolectomy
4 (*)18CDHOWTWTRight hemicolectomy
6 (**)70ASLCNDNDNDColonoscopy
8 (§)64PMCNDNDNDColonoscopy
10 (§§)48DIVNDNDNDColonoscopy
11 (*)65ACWTWTWTRight hemicolectomy
12 (*)55ACWTWTWTTotal colectomy
13 (*)65ACHEWTWTTotal colectomy

ASLC: acute self-limited colitis, PMC: pseudomembranous colitis, DIV: diverticulitis, AC: adenocarcinoma.
WT: wild type, HE: heterozygous, HO: homozygous, ND: Not determined.
SNP8: Arg702Trp, SNP12: Gly908Arg, SNP13: Leu1007fsinsC.
(*) Treated with preoperative antibiotic coverage (cefazoline 2 g IV + metronidazole 1.5 g IV at induction).
(**) Treated with amoxicillin for 2 weeks prior to colonoscopy.
(§) Clostridium difficile toxin assay positive.
(§§) Treated with amoxicillin + clavulanic acid and levoflaxacin for 10 days prior to colonoscopy.