Research Article

Morphological Characteristics of the Thymus and Spleen and the Subpopulation Composition of Lymphocytes in Peripheral Blood during Systemic Inflammatory Response in Male Rats with Different Resistance to Hypoxia

Table 1

The number of neutrophils in the interalveolar septa in the lungs of tolerant- and susceptible-to-hypoxia rats after 3, 6, and 24 hours of LPS administration. Data are presented as median (25%, 75%); the statistical significance of differences (p) between tolerant and susceptible rats is determined by the Mann-Whitney U test and between different time points after LPS injection by the Kruskal-Wallis method.

3 h26 h324 h4

Number of neutrophils in the interalveolar septa of the lungs, 25 000 μm2Tolerant2.318.619.210.30.0051-2