Research Article

Osteoarthritis Affects Mammalian Oogenesis: Effects of Collagenase-Induced Osteoarthritis on Oocyte Cytoskeleton in a Mouse Model

Figure 5

Actin cytoskeleton peculiarities. (a) Distribution of M I actin cap/ring, frequencies in %. Actin cap (grey) was present in 81 of 86 control oocytes and in 24 of 139 CIOA (black) oocytes. Actin rings were not present in any control oocytes and were present in 86 of 139 CIOA (black pattern) oocytes; Fisher–Freeman–Halton Exact Test, . (b) Distribution of M II actin cap/ring, frequencies in %. Actin cap (grey) was present in 106 of 116 control oocytes and in 10 of 51 CIOA (black) oocytes. Actin ring was present in 2 of 116 control oocytes (grey pattern) and in 27 of 51 CIOA (black pattern) oocytes; Fisher–Freeman–Halton Exact Test, .