Research Letter

Crystal Structure of [Bis(L-Alaninato)Diaqua]Nickel(II) Dihydrate

Table 1

Crystal data and structure refinement of the title compound.

Empirical formula C 6 H 2 0 N 2 N i O 8
Formula weight306.95
Temperature150(2) K
Wavelength0.71073 Å
Crystal systemMonoclinic
Space groupC2
Unit cell dimensionsa = 20.162(4) Å
b = 6.5089(13) Å
c = 9.6476(19) Å
𝛽 = 94.823 ( 2 )
Volume1261.6(4) Å3
Density (calculated)1.616−3
Absorption coefficient ( 𝜇 )1.570 mm−1
Crystal size0.16 × 0.10 × 0.09 mm3
𝜔 range for data collection2.03 to 28.28°
Index ranges−26 ≤ h ≤ 6
−8  ≤ k ≤  8
−12  ≤ l ≤  12
Reflections collected7100
Independent reflections3070 [ R i n t = 0.0218]
Completeness to 𝜃 = 28.28°99.6%
Absorption correctionNumerical
Max. and min. transmission0.8716 and 0.7873
Refinement methodFull-matrix least-squares on F2
Goodness-of-fit on F21.013
Final R indices [ I > 2 𝜎 ( I ) ]R1= 0.0232, wR2= 0.0528
Absolute structure parameter0.018(13)
Largest diff. peak and hole0.400 and −0.251 eÅ−3