Research Article

Synthesis and Study in Solution of a New Dansyl-Modified Azacryptand

Figure 7

Spectrofluorometric titration of L1 (0.02 mM) with (CF3SO3)2 3.37 mM (a), (CF3SO3)2 3.83 mM (b), and L2 (0.02 mM) with (CF3SO3)2 2.00 mM (c) in MeOH (λexc = 350 nm). Solid black line: initial spectrum of the free ligand L1; dashed black line: final spectrum. (d) Profiles of the normalized emission intensity () at 540 nm versus number of equivalents of added metal ion. Black triangles: L1 (0.02 mM) with (CF3SO3)2, grey triangles: L1 (0.02 mM) with (CF3SO3)2, and white triangles: L2 (0.025 mM) with (CF3SO3)2 2 mM.