Review Article

Candida albicans versus Candida dubliniensis: Why Is C. albicans More Pathogenic?

Table 1

Comparison of C. albicans and C. dubliniensis.

C. albicansC. dubliniensisReferences

Growth and morphology
 Growth at ≥42°CYesNo[39, 41]
 Growth in high salt mediaYesNo[39, 40]
 Hypha formation in YPD + serumYesPoor[16, 42]
 Hypha formation in water + serumYesYes[42]
 RHE infection modelyeasts and hyphaeyeasts only[17]

 Chromosome number89–11 chromosome-sized fragments[7]
 No. of species-specific genes16829[32]
ALS3 PresentAbsent[32]
HYR1 PresentAbsent[32]
SAP4, 5 and 6 All three genesOne gene[32]
HWP1 PresentDivergent[32]
TLO family14 genes2 genes[32]