Research Article

Influence of Vinasse Application in the Structure and Composition of the Bacterial Community of the Soil under Sugarcane Cultivation

Table 4

Diversity and richness rates observed for each bacterial community present in the soils analyzed. The results were based on 16S rRNA gene of the bacterial clones obtained from 4 environments.

IndicesEnvironments analyzed

Shannon5.23 (5.33)5.06 (5.17)5.13 (5.24)5.14 (5.25)
Chao 12,963 (1,488–6,109)1,039 (645–1,758)1,262 (765–2,178)2,231 (1,172–4,415)
Singletons179 (193)145 (191)161 (193)163 (191)

Calculations were based on OTUs formation based on evolutionary distance of ≤ 0.03. Abbreviations are shown in Table 1. is number of OTUs observed. is sequences number. Evenness is / [44]. Richness is (number of OTUs singletons − 1)/. The observed value/maximum possible is informed. Maximum value observed for Shannon (). Confidence intervals (95%) for Chao 1. Maximum value observed for singletons.