Research Article

Preinoculation of Soybean Seeds Treated with Agrichemicals up to 30 Days before Sowing: Technological Innovation for Large-Scale Agriculture

Table 3

Recovery of Bradyrhizobium spp. cells (number of colony forming units, # CFU, per seed) from soybean seeds inoculated with different products, in the absence or presence of seed-treatment chemicals.

TreatmentTime after treatment/inoculation (duration of preinoculation)
# CFU seed-1♠
2 hours2 days4 days7 days14 days21 days28 days35 days

Embrapa Soja
Standard inoculation
Cronos/on treated seeds
CronosNod on treated seeds

Instituto Federal Goiano
Standard inoculation
Cronos/on treated seeds
CronosNod on treated seeds
CronosTSI on treated seeds

a significant and ns a nonsignificant difference relative to the control, standard inoculation, evaluated two hours after inoculation, according to the bilateral Dunnett test (). All values followed by were significantly superior to the control; ns means not significantly different from control. Values not followed by or ns were not compared.