Research Article

Brown Rot-Type Fungal Decomposition of Sorghum Bagasse: Variable Success and Mechanistic Implications

Table 1

Ergosterol (E), protein (P), and ergosterol/protein ratios (E/P) for sorghum sections degraded by Gloeophyllum trabeum and Serpula lacrymans for 7, 14, and 21 days. Protein and ergosterol levels are standardized to cm3 of biomass.

Gloeophyllum trabeumSerpula lacrymans
Mass loss%E µg P µg E/PMass loss%E µg cm−3P µg cm−3E/P

7 days2.4 (1.8)73.3 (44.5)98.1 (30.8)0.72.0 (1.0)76.3 (60.8)107.6 (26.4)0.7
14 days30.8 (5.1)205.0 (59.1)98.5 (31.1)2.13.1 (1.2)73.0 (54.2)71.3 (12.7)1.0
21 days37.8 (3.7)215.0 (33.9)78.3 (16.5)2.77.9 (3.6)235.6 (71.0)74.6 (7.1)3.2
Sorghum Avg23.7 (18.7)164.4 (79.1)94.5 (22.6)1.94.4 (3.1)128.3 (93.0)112.5 (21.6)1.6
Spruce AvgN/A99.8 (31.3)14.6 (3.5)6.7N/A188.8 (53.6)5.0 (1.3)38.6

Standard deviation of three biological replicates is shown in parentheses; standard deviation of three assays of an extract of 8 sorghum discs is shown in parentheses; values adapted from Presley and Schilling 2017.