Review Article

Current Progress in the Structural and Biochemical Characterization of Proteins Involved in the Assembly of Lipopolysaccharide

Figure 3

LpxA: (a) ribbon diagram of the LpxA trimer bound to its UDP-3-O-(R3-hydroxymyristoyl)-N-acetylglucosamine product (PDB: 2QIA) [23]; (b) residues involved in product binding from (a). Subscripts are used below to distinguish subunits in the trimer. Hydrogen-bonding interactions are shown. Distances of interactions in Ångstroms are as follows: 3.3 from 3′-acyl carbonyl O to G1430.3 N 3.2 from uracil O4 to N1980.1 Nδ, 3.0 from uracil O4 to R2050.1 Nη2 2.7 from uracil N3 to N1980.1 Oδ, 2.9 from water to H990.3 Nδ, 2.8 from same water to β-hydroxyl, 2.8 from β-hydroxyl to H1220.3 Nε, 3.0 from β-hydroxyl to Q730.3 Nε, 3.3 from glucosamine 3′O to H1250.3, 2.8 from H1250.3 Nδ to D1260.3, 2.9 from glucosamine 6′-hydroxyl to H1440.3 Nε, 3.0 from the glucosamine ring O to K760.3 Nζ, 3.0 from 2′-acetyl carbonyl to L750.3 N, and 2.6 from α-phosphate to Q1610.3 Nε. Protein structure figures were generated using UCSF Chimera [24].