Research Article

Coffea canephora Peptides in Combinatorial Treatment with Fluconazole: Antimicrobial Activity against Phytopathogenic Fungus

Figure 1

Dry weight of the fungus F. solani and photographs of growth on microplates in the presence of Cc-LTP2, FLC, or Cc-LTP2 plus FLC, and Cc-GRP, FLC, or Cc-GRP plus FLC after 48 h of treatment. The data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA combined with Tukey’s test. For each peptide, bars followed by the same uppercase letter, in different treatments (Cc-GRP and Cc-LTP2), are not significantly different by Tukey’s test at . For each treatment (control, FLC, peptide, and peptide plus FLC), bars followed by the same lowercase letter are not significantly different at ().