Research Article

Genomic and Pathogenic Characteristics of Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus Isolated from Chicken in Live Bird Markets and Backyard Flocks in Kenya

Figure 2

Photomicrographs showing hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining on sections of the spleen, small intestines, and liver at 5 days after challenge. Magnification for panels of spleen and liver and 100x for small intestines × 400. First row: spleen tissue samples from isolate: KE0811 and KE001 showed lymphocyte depletion in the follicles and inflammatory exudates (star). Second row: small intestine tissue samples from NDV challenged groups showed multifocal mucosal hemorrhages (H), lymphocytic infiltration of the submucosa (star), and sloughing of mucosa (arrow). Third row: liver tissue samples of NDV challenged group showed congestion of hepatic blood vessels (C) and lymphocyte infiltration of periportal areas (arrow).