
Let P(G) be the set of normalized regular Borel measures on a compact group G. Let Dr be the set of doubly stochastic (d.s.) measures λ on G×G such that λ(As×Bs)=λ(A×B), where sG, and A and B are Borel subsets of G. We show that there exists a bijection μλ between P(G) and Dr such that ϕ1=mμ, where m is normalized Haar measure on G, and ϕ(x,y)=(x,xy1) for x,yG. Further, we show that there exists a bijection between Dr and Mr, the set of d.s. right multipliers of L1(G). It follows from these results that the mapping μTμ defined by Tμf=μf is a topological isomorphism of the compact convex semigroups P(G) and Mr. It is shown that Mr is the closed convex hull of left translation operators in the strong operator topology of B[L2(G)].