
We show that the reaction-diffusion system ut=Δφ(u)+f(v), vt=Δψ(v)+g(u), with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, has a positive global solution on Ω×[0,) if and only if ds/f(F1(G(s)))= (or, equivalently, ds/g(G1(F(s)))=), where F(s)=0sf(r)dr and G(s)=0sg(r)dr. The domain ΩN(N1) is bounded with smooth boundary. The functions φ, ψ, f, and g are nondecreasing, nonnegative C([0,)) functions satisfying φ(s)ψ(s)f(s)g(s)>0 for s>0 and φ(0)=ψ(0)=0. Applied to the special case f(s)=sp and g(s)=sq, p>0, q>0, our result proves that the system has a global solution if and only if pq1.