
Starting from the study of the Shepard nonlinear operator of max-prod type by Bede et al. (2006, 2008), in the book by Gal (2008), Open Problem 5.5.4, pages 324–326, the Bernstein max-prod-type operator is introduced and the question of the approximation order by this operator is raised. In recent paper, Bede and Gal by using a very complicated method to this open question an answer is given by obtaining an upper estimate of the approximation error of the form (with an unexplicit absolute constant ) and the question of improving the order of approximation is raised. The first aim of this note is to obtain this order of approximation but by a simpler method, which in addition presents, at least, two advantages: it produces an explicit constant in front of and it can easily be extended to other max-prod operators of Bernstein type. However, for subclasses of functions including, for example, that of concave functions, we find the order of approximation , which for many functions is essentially better than the order of approximation obtained by the linear Bernstein operators. Finally, some shape-preserving properties are obtained.

1. Introduction

Starting from the study of the Shepard nonlinear operator of max-prod-type in [1, 2], by the Open Problem in a recent monograph [3, pages 324–326, 5.5.4], the following nonlinear Bernstein operator of max-prod type is introduced (here means maximum):

where , for which by a very complicated method in [4, Theorem ], an upper estimate of the approximation error of the form (with unexplicit absolute constant) is obtained. Also, by Remark in the same paper [4], the question if this order of approximation could be improved is raised.

The first aim of this note is to obtain the same order of approximation but by a simpler method, which in addition presents, at least, two advantages: it produces an explicit constant in front of and it can easily be extended to other max-prod operators of Bernstein type. Then, one proves by a counterexample that in a sense, for arbitrary this order of approximation with respect to cannot be improved, giving thus a negative answer to a question raised in [4, Remark , ]. However, for subclasses of functions including, for example, that of concave functions, we find the order of approximation , which for many functions, is essentially better than the order of approximation obtained by the linear Bernstein operators. Finally, some shape-preserving properties are presented.

Section 2 presents some general results on nonlinear operators, in Section 3 we prove several auxiliary lemmas, Section 4 contains the approximation results, while in Section 5 we present some shape-preserving properties. The paper ends with Section 6 containing some conclusions concerning the comparisons between the max-product and the linear Bernstein operators.

2. Preliminaries

For the proof of the main results, we need some general considerations on the so-called nonlinear operators of max-prod kind. Over the set of positive reals, , we consider the operations (maximum) and β€œβ€product. Then has a semiring structure and we call it as Max-Product algebra.

Let be a bounded or unbounded interval, and

The general form of (called here a discrete max-product-type approximation operator) studied in the paper will be


where ,, and , for all . These operators are nonlinear, positive operators and moreover they satisfy a pseudolinearity condition of the form

In this section we present some general results on these kinds of operators which will be useful later in the study of the Bernstein max-product-type operator considered in Section 1.

Lemma 2.1 (see [4]). Let be a bounded or unbounded interval: and let , be a sequence of operators satisfying the following properties: (i)if satisfy then for all ; (ii) for all .
Then for all , and we have

Proof. Since it is very simple, we reproduce here the proof in [4]. Let . We have , which by conditions (i)-(ii) successively implies , that is, .
Writing now and applying the above reasonings, it follows that , which, combined with the above inequality, gives .

Remark 2.2. () It is easy to see that the Bernstein max-product operator satisfies the conditions in Lemma 2.1, (i), (ii). In fact, instead of (i), it satisfies the stronger condition: Indeed, taking in the above equality , , it easily follows that .
() In addition, it is immediate that the Bernstein max-product operator is positive homogenous, that is, for all .

Corollary 2.3 (see [4]). Let , be a sequence of operators satisfying conditions (i)-(ii) in Lemma 2.1 and in addition being positive homogenous. Then for all , and one has where , for all , for all ,, and if is unbounded, then we suppose that there exists , for any , .

Proof. The proof is identical with that for positive linear operators and because of its simplicity, we reproduce it what follows. Indeed, from the identity it follows (by the positive homogeneity and by Lemma 2.1) that Now, since for all we have replacing the above, we immediately obtain the estimate in the statement.

An immediate consequence of Corollary 2.3 is as follows.

Corollary 2.4 (see [4]). Suppose that in addition to the conditions in Corollary 2.3, the sequence satisfies , for all . Then for all , and one has

3. Auxiliary Results

Since it is easy to check that for all , notice that in the notations, proofs and statements of the all approximation results, that is, in Lemmas 3.1–3.3, Theorem 4.1, Lemmas 4.2–4.4, Corollaries 4.6, 4.7, in fact we always may suppose that . For the proofs of the main results, we need some notations and auxiliary results, as follows.

For each and let us denote

It is clear that if then

and if then

Also, for each , and let us denote

and for each , and let us denote

Lemma 3.1. Let : (i)for all , one has (ii)for all , one has

Proof. (i) The inequality is immediate.
On the other hand,
which proves (i).
(ii) The inequality is immediate.
On the other hand,
which proves (ii) and the lemma.

Lemma 3.2. For all and one has

Proof. We have two cases: 1) 2) .Case 1. Since clearly the function is nonincreasing on , it follows that which implies Case 2. We get which immediately implies that Since , the conclusion of the lemma is immediate.

Lemma 3.3. Let . (i)If is such that , then . (ii)If is such that , then

Proof. (i) We observe that Since the function clearly is nonincreasing, it follows that for all Then, since the condition implies , we obtain
 (ii) We observe that
Since the function is nondecreasing, it follows that for all Then, since the condition implies , we obtain which proves the lemma.

Also, a key result in the proof of the main result is the following.

Lemma 3.4. One has where .

Proof. First we show that for fixed and we have Indeed, the inequality one reduces to after simplifications is equivalent to However, since , the above inequality immediately becomes equivalent to By taking in the inequality just proved above, we get and so on, and so on, From all these inequalities, reasoning by recurrence we easily obtain and so on, finally which proves the lemma.

4. Approximation Results

If represents the nonlinear Bernstein operator of max-product type defined in Section 1, then the first main result of this section is the following.

Theorem 4.1. If is continuous, then one has the estimate where

Proof. It is easy to check that the max-product Bernstein operators fulfill the conditions in Corollary 2.4 and we have where So, it is enough to estimate
Let , where is fixed, arbitrary. By Lemma 3.4 we easily obtain
In all what follows we may suppose that , because for simple calculation shows that in this case, we get , for all . So it remains to obtain an upper estimate for each when is fixed, and . In fact, we will prove that which immediately will implies that and taking in (4.3), we immediately obtain the estimate in the statement.
In order to prove (4.6) we distinguish the following cases: 1) , 2) and, 3) .
Case 1. If then Since , it easily follows that
If then Since by Lemma 3.2 we have , we obtain
If then
Case 2. Subcase a
Suppose first that . We get
Subcase b
Suppose now that . Since the function is nondecreasing on the interval it follows that there exists , of maximum value, such that . Then, for we get and Also, we have Indeed, this is a consequence of the fact that is nondecreasing on the interval and because it is easy to see that By Lemma 3.3, (i) it follows that We thus obtain for any

Therefore, in both subcases, by Lemma 3.1, (i) too, we get .
Case 3. Subcase a
Suppose first that . Then we obtain
Subcase b
Suppose now that . Let be the minimum value such that . Then satisfies and Also, because in this case we have it is immediate that By Lemma 3.3, (ii), it follows that . We obtain for any and

In both subcases, by Lemma 3.1, (ii) too, we get .
In conclusion, collecting all the estimates in the above cases and subcases we easily get the relationship (4.6), which completes the proof.

Remarks. The order of approximation in terms of in Theorem 4.1 cannot be improved, in the sense that the order of is exactly (here is defined in the proof of Theorem 4.1). Indeed, for , let us take , and denote . Then, we can write
Since , we easily get , which implies for all On the other hand,

Because , there exists such that
for all It follows for all Taking into account Lemma 3.1, (i) too, it follows that for all we have , which implies the desired conclusion.
() With respect to the method of the proof in [4], the method in this paper presents, at least, two advantages: it produces the explicit constant in front of and its ideas can be easily used for other max-prod Bernstein operators too, which will be done in several forthcoming papers.

In what follows, we will prove that for large subclasses of functions , the order of approximation in Theorem 4.1 can essentially be improved to .

For this purpose, for any , let us define the functions

Then it is clear that for any and we can write

Also we need the following four auxiliary lemmas.

Lemma 4.2. Let be such that Then where

Proof. We distinguish the two following cases.Case  (i).Let be fixed such that . Because by simple calculation we have and , it follows that Case  (ii).Let be such that We have two subcases: (a), when evidently and we immediately get (b), when Because it follows , which proves the lemma.

Lemma 4.3. Let be such that Then

Proof. We distinguish the two following cases:Case  (i)., when as in Lemma 4.2 we get Case  (ii)., when we have two subcases:(a), when as in the case of Lemma 4.2 we obtain (b), when by using the same idea as in the subcase (b) of Lemma 4.2 and taking into account that we obtain which proves the lemma.

Lemma 4.4. Let be such that for all . Then

Proof. Let . If or then and from Lemma 4.2, it follows that If then and from Lemma 4.3, we get which ends the proof.

Lemma 4.5. Let be concave. Then the following two properties hold: (i)the function is nonincreasing; (ii)the function is nondecreasing.

Proof. (i) Let be with . Then which implies that .
(ii) Let be with . Then
which implies .

Corollary 4.6. Let be a concave function. Then

Proof. Let and such that . Let be with . Then From Lemma 4.5, (i), we get that is, . Since , we get It is immediate that for it follows that . Thus we obtain
Now let be with . Then
From Lemma 4.5, (ii), we get , that is, . Because , we get For it is immediate that , which implies From (4.38) and (4.42), we obtain which combined with Lemma 4.4 implies and proves the corollary.

Corollary 4.7. (i) If is nondecreasing and such that the function is nonincreasing, then
 (ii) If is nonincreasing and such that the function is nondecreasing, then

Proof. (i) Since is nondecreasing it follows (see the proof of Theorem 5.5 in Section 5) that Following the proof of Corollary 4.6, we get and from Lemma 4.2, we obtain
  (ii) Since is nonincreasing, it follows (see the proof of Corollary 5.6 in Section 5) that
Following the proof of Corollary , we get and from Lemma 4.3 we obtain

Remark 4.8. By simple reasonings, it follows that if is a convex, nondecreasing function satisfying for all , then the function is nonincreasing and as a consequence for is valid the conclusion of Corollary 4.7, (i). Indeed, for simplicity, let us suppose that and denote , . Then , for all . Since the inequality can be written as , for all , passing to limit with it follows , which implies (since is nondecreasing) which means that is nonincreasing.

An example of function satisfying the above conditions is , .

Analogously, if is a convex, nonincreasing function satisfying , then for is valid the conclusion of Corollary 4.7, (ii). An example of function satisfying these conditions is , .

5. Shape-Preserving Properties

In this section, we will present some shape preserving properties, by proving that the max-product Bernstein operator preserves the monotonicity and the quasiconvexity. First, we have the following simple result.

Lemma 5.1. For any arbitrary function , is positive, continuous on and satisfies .

Proof. Since for all , , , it follows that the denominator for all and . However, the numerator is a maximum of continuous functions on , so it is a continuous function on and this implies that is continuous on . To prove now the continuity of at and , we observe that for all , for and for all , for , which implies that in the case of and . The fact that coincides with at and immediately follows from the above considerations, which proves the theorem.

Remark 5.2. Note that because of the continuity of on , it will suffice to prove the shape properties of on only. As a consequence, in the notations and proofs below, we always may suppose that .
As in Section 4, for any , let us consider the functions
For any and , we can write

Lemma 5.3. If is a nondecreasing function, then for any and one has .

Proof. Because , by the proof of Lemma 3.2, Case 2, it follows that From the monotonicity of we get Thus, we obtain which proves the lemma.

Corollary 5.4. If is nonincreasing, then for any and .

Proof. Because , by the proof of Lemma 3.2, Case 1, it follows that From the monotonicity of we get Thus we obtain which proves the corollary.

Theorem 5.5. If is nondecreasing, then is nondecreasing.

Proof. Because is continuous on , it suffices to prove that on each subinterval of the form with , is nondecreasing.
So let and . Because is nondecreasing, from Lemma 5.3 it follows that
but then it is immediate that for all Clearly that for , the function is nondecreasing and since is defined as the maximum of nondecreasing functions, it follows that it is nondecreasing.

Corollary 5.6. If is nonincreasing, then is nonincreasing.

Proof. Because is continuous on , it suffices to prove that on each subinterval of the form with , is nonincreasing.
So let and . Because is nonincreasing, from Corollary 5.4, it follows that
but then it is immediate that for all Clearly that for the function is nonincreasing and since is defined as the maximum of nonincreasing functions, it follows that it is nonincreasing.

In what follows, let us consider the following concept generalizing the monotonicity and convexity.

Definition 5.7. Let be continuous on . One says that the function is quasiconvex on if it satisfies the inequality (see, e.g., [3, page 4, (iv)]).

Remark 5.8. By [5], the continuous function is quasiconvex on equivalently means that there exists a point such that is nonincreasing on and nondecreasing on . The class of quasiconvex functions includes the class of nondecreasing functions and the class of nonincreasing functions. Also, it obviously includes the class of convex functions on .

Corollary 5.9. If is continuous and quasiconvex on then for all , is quasiconvex on .

Proof. If is nonincreasing (or nondecreasing) on (i.e., the point (or ) in Remark 5.8), then by the Corollary 5.6 (or Theorem 5.5, resp.), it follows that for all , is nonincreasing (or nondecreasing) on .
Suppose now that there exists , such that is nonincreasing on and nondecreasing on . Define the functions by for all , for all and for all , for all .
It is clear that is nonincreasing and continuous on , is nondecreasing and continuous on and , for all .
However, it is easy to show (see also Remark 2.2 after the proof of Lemma 2.1) that
where by Corollary 5.6 and Theorem 5.5, is nonincreasing and continuous on and is nondecreasing and continuous on . We have two cases: 1) and do not intersect each other; 2) and intersect each other.Case 1. We have for all or for all , which obviously proves that is quasiconvex on .Case 2. In this case, it is clear that there exists a point such that is nonincreasing on and nondecreasing on , which by the result in [5] implies that is quasiconvex on and proves the corollary.

Remark 5.10. The preservation of the quasiconvexity by the linear Bernstein operators was proved in [6].

It is of interest to exactly calculate for and for . In this sense, we can state the following.

Lemma 5.11. For all and one has and and so on, in general one has for .

Proof. The formula is immediate by the definition of .
To find the formula for we will use the explicit formula in Lemma 3.4 which says that
where .
Indeed, since
this follows by applying Lemma 3.4 to both expressions , , taking into account that we get the following division of the interval

Remarks. The convexity of on is not preserved by as can be seen from Lemma 5.11. Indeed, while is obviously convex on , it is easy to see that is not convex on .
Also, if is supposed to be starshaped on (i.e., for all ), then again by Lemma 5.11, it follows that for is not starshaped on , although obviously is starshaped on .

Despite of the absence of the preservation of the convexity, we can prove the interesting property that for any arbitrary function , the max-product Bernstein operator is piecewise convex on . We present the following.

Theorem 5.12. For any function , is convex on any interval of the form , .

Proof. For any , let us consider the functions Clearly, we have for any and .
We will prove that for any fixed , each function is convex on , which will imply that can be written as a maximum of some convex functions on .
Since it suffices to prove that the functions , are convex on .
For , is constant so is convex.
For we get for any . Then for any .
For it follows that for any . Then for any .
If then for any
If then . Sice for any , it follows that , which implies for any .
Since all the functions are convex on , we get that is convex on as maximum of these functions, which proves the theorem.

At the end of this section, let us note that although does not preserve the convexity too, by using it easily can be constructed new nonlinear operators which converge to the function and preserve the convexity too.

Indeed, in this sense, for example, we present the following.

Theorem 5.13. For belonging to the set let us define the following subadditive and positive homogenous operators (as function of ): If is convex, then is nondecreasing and convex on . In addition, if is concave on , then the order of approximation of through is .

Proof. Indeed, since is convex, it follows that is nondecreasing on , which by Theorem 5.5 implies that is nondecreasing and, therefore, we get the convexity of on . The monotonicity of is immediate by on and by the relationship for all .
Also, writing and supposing that is concave, by Corollary 4.6, we get that the order of approximation of by is . In addition, obviously is of -class (which is not the case of original operator ) and converges uniformly to on with the same order of approximation .

Remarks. A simple example of function verifying the statement of Theorem 5.13 is , because in this case, we easily get that , , and , for all .
In the definition of in the above Theorem 5.13, obviously that the values are involved. To involve values of only but without to loose the properties mentioned in Theorem 5.13, we can replace there by, for example, or by .

6. Comparisons with the Linear Bernstein Operator

In this section, we compare the max-product Bernstein operator with the linear Bernstein operator . First, it is known that for the linear Bernstein operator, the best possible uniform approximation result is given by the equivalence: (see [7, 8])

where and is the Ditzian-Totik second-order modulus of smoothness given by

with , and .

Now, if is, for example, a nondecreasing concave polygonal line on , then by simple reasonings we get that for , which shows that the order of approximation obtained in this case by the linear Bernstein operator is exactly . On the other hand, since such of function obviously is a Lipschitz function on (as having bounded all the derivative numbers) by Corollary 4.6, we get that the order of approximation by the max-product Bernstein operator is less than , which is essentially better than . In a similar manner, by Corollary 4.7 and by the Remark 4.8 after this corollary, we can produce many subclasses of functions for which the order of approximation given by the max-product Bernstein operator is essentially better than the order of approximation given by the linear Bernstein operator. In fact, the Corollaries 4.6 and 4.7 have no corespondent in the case of linear Bernstein operator. All these prove the advantages we may have in some cases, by using the max-product Bernstein operator. Intuitively, the max-product Bernstein operator has better approximation properties than its linear counterpart, for nondifferentiable functions in a finite number of points (with the graphs having some "corners"), as an example for functions defined as a maximum of a finite number of continuous functions on .

On the other hand, in other cases (e.g., for differentiable functions), the linear Bernstein operator has better approximation properties than the max-product Bernstein operator, as can be seen from the formula for in Lemma 5.11. Indeed, by direct calculation can be easily proved that , while it is well known that .

Concerning now the shape-preserving properties, it is clear from Section 5 that the linear Bernstein operator has better properties. However, for some particular classes of functions, the type of construction in Theorem 5.13, combined with Corollaries 4.6 and 4.7, can produce max-product Bernstein-type operators with good preservation properties (e.g., preserving monotonicity and convexity) and giving in some cases (supposing, e.g., that is a concave polygonal line), the same order of approximation as the linear Bernstein operator.