
Let R be an integral domain with quotient field L. Call a nonzero (fractional) ideal A of R a colon-multiplication ideal any ideal A, such that for every nonzero (fractional) ideal B of R. In this note, we characterize integral domains for which every maximal ideal (resp., every nonzero ideal) is a colon-multiplication ideal. It turns that this notion unifies Dedekind and MTP domains.

1. Introduction

Let be an integral domain which is not a field with quotient field . For any nonzero (fractional) ideals and , and the inclusion may be strict. We say that is -colon-multiplication if equality holds, that is, . A nonzero (fractional) ideal is said to be a colon-multiplication ideal if is -colon-multiplication for every nonzero (fractional) ideal of , and the domain is called a colon-multiplication domain if all its nonzero (fractional) ideals are colon-multiplication ideals. The purpose of this note is to characterize integral domains that are colon-multiplication domains. This notion unifies the notions of Dedekind domains and domains (i.e., domains such that for every nonzero (fractional) ideal , either is invertible or is a maximal ideal of ). Precisely we prove that for a domain , every maximal ideal is a colon-multiplication ideal if and only if either is a Dedekind domain or a local domain (Theorem 2.2), and a domain is a colon-multiplication domain if and only if is a Dedekind domain (Theorem 2.4). We also provide an example showing that the notions of colon-multiplication ideals and multiplication ideals (i.e., ideals such that for every ideal , there exists an ideal such that ) do not imply each other; however, over Noetherian domains, multiplication domains and colon-multiplication domains collapse to Dedekind domains.

Throughout, is an integral domain with quotient field , denotes the set of all prime ideals of and denotes the set of all nonzero fractional ideals of , that is, -submodules of such that for some nonzero . For , and . Unreferenced material is standard, typically as in [1] or [2].

2. Main Results

Definition 2.1. (1) Let be a domain, and and two nonzero (fractional) ideals of . We say that is -colon-multiplication if .
(2) A nonzero (fractional) ideal is said to be a colon-multiplication ideal if is -colon-multiplication for every nonzero (fractional) ideal of .
(3) A domain is said to be a colon-multiplication domain if every nonzero (fractional) ideal of is colon-multiplication.

Our first main theorem characterizes integral domains for which every maximal ideal is colon-multiplication. Before stating the result, we recall that a domain is said to be an domain ( stands for maximal trace property) if for every nonzero (fractional) ideal of either or is a maximal ideal of [3]. For more details on the trace properties see [4].

Theorem 2.2. Let be an integral domain. The following statements are equivalent.(1)Every nonzero prime ideal of is colon-multiplication;(2)Every maximal ideal of is colon-multiplication;(3)Either is a Dedekind domain or a local domain.

We need the following lemma.

Lemma 2.3. Let be an integral domain and a nonzero invertible (fractional) ideal of . Then every nonzero (fractional) ideal of is -colon-multiplication.

Proof. This follows immediately from the (easily verified) fact that if is invertible, then for each nonzero ideal .

Proof of Theorem 2.2. (1) (2) Trivial.
(2) (3) First we claim that is an domain. Indeed, let be a nonzero (fractional) ideal of . Assume that and let be a maximal ideal such that . Then and so . Since is -colon-multiplication, and therefore is an domain. Now, if is a Dedekind domain, we are done. Assume that is not Dedekind. Then is an domain with a unique noninvertible maximal ideal [4, Corollary ]. Then . Now if is a maximal ideal of , by (2) is -colon-multiplication. So and, by maximality, . It follows that is a local domain, as desired.
(3) (1) If is a Dedekind domain, then (1) it holds by Lemma 2.3. Assume that is a local domain. Then is a one-dimensional domain [3, Proposition ]. Hence and so is the unique nonzero prime ideal of . Now, let be a nonzero (fractional) ideal of . If is invertible, by Lemma 2.3, is -colon-multiplication. Assume that . Then necessarily . Hence and therefore , as desired.

The next result shows that colon-multiplication domains collapse to Dedekind domains.

Theorem 2.4. Let be an integral domain. The following statements are equivalent.(1) is a colon-multiplication domain;(2)Every nonzero principal (fractional) ideal of is colon-multiplication;(3) has a nonzero principal (fractional) ideal that is colon-multiplication;(4) is a Dedekind domain.

Proof. (1) (2) (3) are trivial.
(3) (4) Suppose that has a nonzero principal (fractional) ideal that is colon-multiplication. Let be any nonzero ideal of . Then is -colon-multiplication. Hence and therefore , as desired.
(4) (1). it Follows immediately from Lemma 2.3.

We recall that an ideal of a commutative ring is a multiplication ideal if for every ideal there exists an ideal such that , and the ring is a multiplication ring if each ideal of is a multiplication ideal. Note that from the equation , we have . Thus , and so we have . Hence if is a multiplication ideal of an integral domain , then every subideal of is -colon-multiplication. According to [5], a multiplication ideal is locally principal, but not conversely. However, a finitely generated locally principal ideal is a multiplication ideal [6]. In particular, in Noetherian domain, multiplication domain and colon-multiplication domain collapse to Dedekind domain. However, the two notions (multiplication and colon-multiplication) do not imply each other as is shown by the following example.

Example 2.5. (1) It provides a maximal ideal of a domain which is colon-multiplication but not a multiplication ideal.
Let be a field and and indeterminates over . Set . Clearly is a one-dimensional (pseudovaluation domain) and therefore a local domain (here note that pseudovaluation domains have the trace property, [3, Example ], and so the maximal trace property if ). By Theorem 2.2, is colon-multiplication. However, is not a multiplication ideal since is not “locally” principal [5].
(2) Let be a non-Dedekind domain. By Theorem 2.4, not every nonzero principal ideal is colon-multiplication. However, every principal ideal is a multiplication ideal [6].

Given a nonzero (fractional) ideal of an integral domain, we define the map . The next proposition characterizes maps that are surjective.

Proposition 2.6. Let be an integral domain and a nonzero (fractional) ideal of . The following conditions are equivalent.(1) (i.e., is -colon-multiplication for each );(2) is surjective;(3) is invertible.

Proof. (1) (2) Trivial.
(2) (3) Assume that is surjective. Then there exists such that . Hence is invertible.
(3) (1) Assume that is invertible. By Lemma 2.3, every is -colon-multiplication. Hence and so .


This work was supported by KFUPM.