
We apply the rough set theory to -algebras. As a generalization of filters (subalgebras) of -algebras, we introduce the notion of rough filters (subalgebras) of -algebras and investigate some of their properties.

1. Introduction

The rough sets theory introduced by Pawlak [13] has often proved to be an excellent mathematical tool for the analysis of a vague description of objects (called actions in decision problems). Many different problems can be addressed by rough sets theory. During the last few years this formalism has been approached as a tool used in connection with many different areas of research. There have been investigations of the relations between rough sets theory and the Dempster-Shafer theory and between rough sets and fuzzy sets. Rough sets theory has also provided the necessary formalism and ideas for the development of some propositional machine learning systems. It has also been used for, among many others, knowledge representation; data mining; dealing with imperfect data; reducing knowledge representation and for analyzing attribute dependencies. The notions of rough relations and rough functions are based on rough sets theory and can be applied as a theoretical basis for rough controllers, among others. An algebraic approach to rough sets has been given by Iwinski [1]. Rough set theory is applied to semigroups and groups (see [2, 3]). In 1994, Biswas and Nanda [4] introduced and discussed the concept of rough groups and rough subgroups. Jun [5] applied rough set theory to BCK-algebras. Recently, Rasouli [6] introduced and studied the notion of roughness in -algebras.

-algebras are the algebraic structures for Hàjek Basic Logic (-logic) [7], arising from the continuous triangular norms (-norms), familiar in the frameworks of fuzzy set theory. The language of propositional Hàjek basic logic [7] contains the binary connectives , and the constant .

Axioms of are as follows:,,,,,,,.

-algebras rise as Lindenbaum algebras from the above logical axioms in a similar manner that Boolean algebras or -algebras do from Classical logic or Lukasiewicz logic, respectively. -algebras are -algebras while the converse, in general, is not true. Indeed, -algebras with involutory complement are -algebras. Moreover, Boolean algebras are -algebras and -algebras with idempotent product are Boolean algebras. Filters theory plays an important role in studying these logical algebras. From logical point of view, various filters correspond to various sets of provable formula.

In this paper, we apply the rough set theory to -algebras, and we introduce the notion of (lower) upper rough subalgebras and (lower) upper rough filters of -algebras and obtain some related results.

2. Preliminaries

Definition 2.1. A -algebra is an algebra with four binary operations and two constants such that: is a bounded lattice, is a commutative monoid, if and only if , for all , (i.e., and form an adjoint pair),,.

Examples of -algebras [7] are -algebras , where is the usual lattice on and is a continuous -norm, whereas is the corresponding residuum.

If is a Boolean algebra, then is a -algebra where the operation coincides with and , for all .

From now or simply is a -algebra.

A -algebra is called an -algebra if , for all , where .

A -algebra is nontrivial if . For any -algebra , is a bounded distributive lattice. We denote the set of natural numbers by and define and , for . The order of , , in symbols is the smallest such that ; if no such exists, then .

Lemma 2.2 (see [711]). In any -algebra , the following properties hold for all :(1) if and only if ,(2),(3)if , then and ,(4) and ,(5) implies ,(6), , , , ,(7),(8),(9) and ,(10).

For any -algebra , denotes the Boolean algebra of all complemented elements in lattice of .

Proposition 2.3 (see [7, 11]). For , the following are equivalent:(i),(ii) and ,(iii) and ,(iv),(v), for every .

Hàjek [7] defined a filter of a -algebra to be a nonempty subset of such that (i) if implies and (ii) if , , then . Turunen [8] defined a deductive system of a -algebra to be a nonempty subset of such that (i) and (ii) and imply . Note that a subset of a -algebra is a deductive system of if and only if is a filter of [8].

Let denote a nonempty set of objects called the univers, and let be an equivalence relation on . The pair is called a Pawlak approximation space. The equivalence relation partitions the set into disjoint subsets. Let denote the quotient set consisting of all the equivalence classes of . The empty set and the elements of are called elementary sets. A finite union of elementary sets, that is, the union of one or more elementary sets, is called a composed set [12]. The family of all composed sets is denoted by Com(Apr). It is a subalgebra of the Boolean algebra formed by the power set of . A set which is a union of elementary sets is called a definable set [12]. The family of all definable sets is denoted by Def(Apr). For a finite universe, the family of definable sets is the same as the family of composed sets. A Pawlak approximation space defines uniquely a topological space , in which Def(Apr) is the family of all open and closed sets [13]. In connection to rough set theory there exist two views. The operator-oriented view interprets rough set theory as an extension of set theory with two additional unary operators. Under such a view, lower and upper approximations are related to the interior and closure operators in topological spaces, the necessity and possibility operators in modal logic, and lower and upper approximations in interval structures. The set-oriented view focuses on the interpretation and characterization of members of rough sets. Both operator-oriented and set-oriented views are useful in the understanding and application of the theory of rough sets.

Definition 2.4. For an approximation space , by a rough approximation in we mean a mapping defined for every by , where is called a lower rough approximation of in , whereas is called an upper rough approximation of in .

Let be a filter of a -algebra . Define relation on as follows: Then is a congruence relation on . denotes the set of all congruence classes of , that is, , thus is a -algebra.

3. Lower and Upper Approximations in -Algebras

Definition 3.1. Let be a -algebra and a filter of . For any nonempty subset of , the sets are called, respectively, the lower and upper approximations of the set with respect to the filter . Therefore, when and is the induced congruence relation by filter , then we use the pair instead of the approximation space . Also, in this case we use the symbols and instead of and .

Proposition 3.2. Let be an approximation space and . Then the following hold:(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9) if , then ,(10)if , then .

Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem  2.1 of [14].

Proposition 3.3. Let be an approximation space. Then, is a closure operator and is an interior operator.

Proof. Let be an arbitrary subset of .(i)By Proposition 3.2 part (1), we have .(ii)We will show that . Suppose that . By Definition 3.1, we have . Hence there exists such that . By Definition 3.1, , and so we get that . Hence and then . By part (1) of Proposition 3.2, we have .(iii)Suppose that . We will show that . Let . Then . Since , we get that , that is, . Analogously, we can prove that is an interior operator.

Definition 3.4. is an approximation space and . is called definable with respect to , if .

Proposition 3.5. Let be an approximation space. Then , , and are definable respect to .

Proof. The proof is straightforward.

Proposition 3.6. Let be an approximation space. If , then every subset of is definable.

Proof. Let be an arbitrary subset of . We have for all . We get that Hence is definable.

Let and be nonempty subsets of . Then we define two sets If either or is empty, then we define and . Clearly, , for every . and are called, respectively, Minkowski product and Minkowski arrow. However, Minkowski arrow is not the residuum of Minkowski product.

Lemma 3.7. Let be an approximation space and . Then the following hold:(1),(2).

Proof. (1) Let , and so there exist and such that . We have and . There exist and such that and . We get that such that . Hence , that is, .
Similarly, we can prove (2).

Definition 3.8. Let be an approximation space. A nonempty subset of is called an upper (resp., a lower) rough subalgebra (or filter) of , if the upper (resp., the lower) approximation of is a subalgebra (or filter) of . If is both an upper and a lower rough subalgebra (or filter) of , we say is a rough subalgebra (or filter) of .

Proposition 3.9. Let be an approximation space. If is a subalgebra of , then is an upper rough subalgebra of .

Proof. We will show that is a subalgebra of . Since , and , then and . Hence . Taking in Lemma 3.7, by is a subalgebra of , we obtain Hence is an upper rough subalgebra.

Let be an approximation space and a subalgebra of . The following example shows that may not be a lower rough subalgebra of in general.

Example 3.10. Let , where . Define and as follow: Then is a -algebra. It is easy to check that is a filter of and is a subalgebra of . Since , then is not be a lower rough subalgebra of .

Theorem 3.11. Let be an approximation space and a nonempty subset of . Then the following hold:(i) if and only if ,(ii) if and only if .

Proof. (i) Let and . Then , and so there exists such that . Since , then . So , that is, . Now let . Then and so . Thus , and hence .
The converse follows from Proposition 3.2 part (1).
(ii) Let and . Then , and so . Therefore .

Theorem 3.12. Let be an approximation space and a filter of . Then the following hold:(1) if and only if ,(2),(3).

Proof. (1) Suppose that . By Proposition 3.2 part (1), and . Now let . Then and so there exists such that . We get that . Since , is a filter and , then , that is, . Hence . Similarly, we can obtain . Conversely, suppose that and . We have . Hence . Thus . We get that .
(2) The result follows from (1).
(3) Let . Then and so . Therefore .

Lemma 3.13. Let be linearly ordered and a filter of . If and , then for each and , .

Proof. Let there exist and such that . Then , and also . So . By we get that , also we have , and so . Thus , that is, , it is a contradiction. Thus for each and , .

Theorem 3.14. Let be an approximation space and a filter of . Then the following hold.(1) If , then is a rough filter of .(2) If , then is an upper rough filter of .(3) If is linearly ordered, then is an upper rough filter of .

Proof. (1) The proof follows from Theorem 3.12 part (1).
(2) The proof is easy by Theorem 3.11 part (i).
(3) Let . Then it is easy to see that . If and , then and so there is such that . If , we get that . If , then by Lemma 3.13 we obtain . So by we get that , that is, .

If is a nonempty subset of a -algebra , we let . It is easy to see that for every nonempty subset of , implies that .

Proposition 3.15. Let be a filter of and a nonempty subset of . Then .

Proof. Let . Then there is such that and so . Thus there exists such that , hence . Also implies that and so . Therefore and hence .

Remark 3.16. (1) We cannot replace the inclusion symbol by an equal sign in Proposition 3.15. Consider filter in Example 3.10. Let subset of ; we have , and . Therefore, .
(2) We can show that Proposition 3.15 may not be true for . Consider Example 3.10, filter and subset of . We can get that , and . Therefore, . Also by considering we can check that and . Thus .

Let be a -algebra. An element of is said to be regular if and only if . The set of all regular elements of is denoted by . The set of regular elements is also denoted by in [10] where it is proved that it is the largest sub -algebra of .

Lemma 3.17. Let be a filter of and . Then,(i),(ii).

Proof. (i) Let . Then and and so there exists such that . Thus we have and and hence . Therefore, , and this implies that .
(ii) Let . Then and . So there exists such that and . We get that and and so . Therefore, .

An element of is said to be dense if and only if . We denote by the set of the dense elements of . is a filter of [15].

Lemma 3.18. Let be a filter of . Then .

Proof. Let . Then and so there is such that . Thus and hence . Also since is a filter of , then by Theorem 3.12 part (3), .

Lemma 3.19. Let be a filter of and a nonempty set of . Then is definable respect to if and only if or .

Proof. Suppose that is definable. Then and so . Conversely, let . We show that . We have . Now let . and . Then and so . Therefore . If , then we show that . Let . Then and so there is such that . By hypothesis we get that , hence . Therefore . Since , then .

By Theorem 3.12 part (1) and Lemma 3.19 we have the following:

Corollary 3.20. Let and be two filters of . Then is definable respect to if and only if .

Let and be two nonempty subsets of . Then we define If either or are empty, then we define . If and are two filters of , then it is clear that is the smallest filter containing of and . For any subsets of we have and . It is easy to see that , for any filter and of and nonempty subset of . Since , for nonempty subsets of and filter of , then we can conclude that .

Proposition 3.21. Let be a filter of and be nonempty subsets of . Then(i),(ii) If , then ,(iii) If is linearly ordered, then .

Proof. (i) Let . Then and so there is such that . Hence there are and such that . On the other hand, implies that , then there is such that . By hypothesis we can conclude that , and hence . Also by Lemma 2.2, we have and , thus implies that and . Therefore , hence , and also we have . So .
(ii) If , then . So by Theorem 3.11. Therefore .
(iii) Let be linearly ordered and . Then there are and such that . So and imply that there are and such that and . Hence and we have . If , then by hypothesis we get that and hence . If , then by Lemma 3.13 and so . Therefore , that is, .

Proposition 3.22. Let be a filter of and be nonempty subsets of . Then(i).(ii)If and are definable respect to , then .

Proof. (i) Let . Then , for some and . Consider , so there is such that . Hence , we can obtain that . Thus by hypothesis we have , and , hence . Therefore , it implies that .
(ii) Since and are definable respect to , then and . By part (i), we get that . Therefore .

By the following example, we show that we cannot replace the inclusion symbol by an equal sign in general in the above proposition part (i).

Example 3.23. Let , where , . Define and as follow: Then is a -algebra. It is easy to check that is a filter of . By considering subsets and of , we have and . Therefore .

Proposition 3.24. Let and be two filters of and be a nonempty subset of . Then(i)If , then ,(ii), (iii).

Proof. (i) Let . Then and so there is such that . Thus there are and such that , by , we get that . Since and , then we have .
(ii) Let . Then , for some such that and . So and and hence . Thus .
(iii) Let . Then . Since and , hence .

By Proposition 3.21 part (i) and Proposition 3.24 part (i) we can obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 3.25. Let and be two filters of and be nonempty subsets of . Then .

Let and be two filters of such that and let be a nonempty subset of . Then it is easy to see that and . So we have and .

Consider -algebra in Example 3.10. We can see that and are two filters of . Put . We have and , so . Also and , thus .

By the following proposition we can obtain some conditions that or .

Proposition 3.26. Let and be two filters of and be a nonempty subset of . Then(i)If or is definable respect to or , then ,(ii)If is a filter of containing and , then .

Proof. (i) Assume that . Then by Theorem 3.11 part (i), . If is definable respect to , then , and it proves theorem.
(ii) If is a filter of containing and , then by Theorem 3.12 part (1) .

Proposition 3.27. Let and be two -algebras and be a homomorphism. Then(i)If be a nonempty subset of and be a filter of , then ,(ii), for any nonempty subset of .(iii)Let be onto, be a nonempty subset of and a filter of . If , then .

Proof. (i) By hypothesis we have

, for some , for some .

(ii) The proof is easy by part (i).
(iii) Let . Then there is such that , and so there exists such that . Thus by we get that . Therefore . Now let . Then . By hypothesis we have such that , and so there is such that . Since is a filter of and , then we obtain that . So , hence .