
We investigate the existence and asymptotic behavior of positive, radially symmetric singular solutions of 𝑤+((𝑁1)/𝑟)𝑤|𝑤|𝑝1𝑤=0, 𝑟>0. We focus on the parameter regime 𝑁>2 and 1<𝑝<𝑁/(𝑁2) where the equation has the closed form, positive singular solution 𝑤1=(42(𝑁2)(𝑝1)/(𝑝1)2)1/(𝑝1)𝑟2/(𝑝1), 𝑟>0. Our advance is to develop a technique to efficiently classify the behavior of solutions which are positive on a maximal positive interval (𝑟min,𝑟max). Our approach is to transform the nonautonomous 𝑤 equation into an autonomous ODE. This reduces the problem to analyzing the behavior of solutions in the phase plane of the autonomous equation. We then show how specific solutions of the autonomous equation give rise to the existence of several new families of singular solutions of the 𝑤 equation. Specifically, we prove the existence of a family of singular solutions which exist on the entire interval (0,), and which satisfy 0<𝑤(𝑟)<𝑤1(𝑟) for all 𝑟>0. An important open problem for the nonautonomous equation is presented. Its solution would lead to the existence of a new family of “super singular” solutions which lie entirely above 𝑤1(𝑟).

1. Introduction

We investigate the behavior of solutions ofΔ𝑤|𝑤|𝑝1𝑤=0,(1.1) where 𝑤=𝑤(𝑥1,,𝑥𝑁), 𝑁>1 and 𝑝>1. Solutions of (1.1) are time-independent solutions of the nonlinear heat equation𝜕𝑤𝜕𝑡=Δ𝑤|𝑤|𝑝1𝑤.(1.2) In the mid 1980’s, Brezis et al. [1], and Kamin and Peletier [2], investigated the existence and asymptotic behavior of positive, time-dependent singular solutions of (1.2). This led to the classical 1989 study by Kamin et al. [3], whose goal was to completely classify all positive, time-dependent solutions of (1.2). A natural extension of their study is to classify positive, time-independent solutions. Such solutions play an important role in analyzing the large time behavior of solutions of the time-dependent equation (1.2) (e.g., see the discussion following (1.5) below). Thus, in this paper, our goal is to extend the results in [13], and develop a method to efficiently classify the behavior of positive, time-independent solutions of (1.1). Our focus is on radially symmetric solutions, which have the form 𝑤=𝑤(𝑟), where 𝑟=(𝑥21++𝑥2𝑁)1/2, and satisfy𝑤+𝑁1𝑟𝑤|𝑤|𝑝1𝑤=0,𝑟>0.(1.3) Equation (1.3) has the closed form, positive singular solution (see Figure 2)𝑤1(𝑟)=42(𝑁2)(𝑝1)(𝑝1)21/(𝑝1)𝑟2/(1𝑝)𝑁,𝑁>2,1<𝑝<𝑁2.(1.4)

A Related Equation
A second, widely studied nonlinear heat equation is 𝜕𝑣𝜕𝑡=Δ𝑣+|𝑣|𝑝1𝑣.(1.5) Equation (1.5) has the closed form, stationary, positive singular solution 𝑣1(𝑟)=2(𝑁2)(𝑝1)4(𝑝1)21/(𝑝1)𝑟2/(1𝑝)𝑁,𝑁>2,𝑁2<𝑝<𝑁+2𝑁2.(1.6) This well-known singular solution plays an important role in the analysis of blowup of solutions of (1.5). For example, when 𝑣(𝑥1,,𝑥𝑁,0) is appropriately chosen, similarity solution methods developed by Haraux and Weissler [4], and Souplet and Weissler [5], show how 𝑣(𝑥1,,𝑥𝑁,𝑡)𝑐𝑣1(𝑟) as 𝑡, where 𝑐>0 is a constant [4, 5]. In 1999, Chen and Derrick [6] developed comparison methods to determine the large time behavior of solutions of the general equation 𝜕𝑤𝜕𝑡=Δ𝑤+𝑓(𝑤),(1.7) where 𝑓(𝑤) is super linear, as in (1.7) and (1.5). Their approach is to let positive, time independent solutions act as upper and/or lower bounds for initial values of solutions of (1.7). Their comparison technique allows them to prove either global existence or finite time blowup of solutions. It is hoped that the methods described above, combined with the new singular solutions found in this paper, will lead to future analytical insights into the behavior of solutions of the time-dependent equation (1.2).

Specific Aims
We have three specific aims. The first two are listed below. The third is given later in this section. We assume throughout that 𝑁>2 and 1<𝑝<𝑁/(𝑁2), the parameter regime where 𝑤1(𝑟) exists. In order to study properties of positive solutions of (1.3), our approach is to let 𝑟0>0 be arbitrarily chosen and analyze solutions with initial values 𝑤𝑟0=𝛼>0,𝑤𝑟0=𝛽𝑅.(1.8) Let (𝑟min,𝑟max) denote the largest interval containing 𝑟0 over which the solution of (1.3)–(1.8) is positive.

Specific Aim 1. For each solution of (1.3)–(1.8), prove whether 𝑟min=0 or 𝑟min>0, and determine lim𝑟𝑟+min(𝑤(𝑟),𝑤(𝑟)).

Specific Aim 2. For each solution of (1.3)–(1.8), prove whether 𝑟max< or 𝑟max=, and determine lim𝑟𝑟max(𝑤(𝑟),𝑤(𝑟)).

Analytical Methods
To address the issues raised in Specific Aims 1 and 2, we need to determine the behavior of each solution of (1.3)–(1.8) over the entire interval (𝑟min,𝑟max), where 𝑟min=inf̂𝑟0,𝑟0𝑤(𝑟)>0𝑟̂𝑟,𝑟0,𝑟max=sup̂𝑟>𝑟0𝑟𝑤(𝑟)>0𝑟0.,̂𝑟(1.9)

Numerical Experiments
In Figure 1, we set (𝑁,𝑝,𝑟0,𝛼)=(3,2,2,2) and illustrate solutions of (1.3)–(1.8) for various 𝛽 values. For example, when 𝛽0, panels (a)–(d) show that both 𝑟min=0 and 𝑟min>0 are possible, and that 𝑤𝑟(𝑟)<0𝑟min,𝑟0,lim𝑟𝑟+min𝑤(𝑟),𝑤=(𝑟)(,).(1.10) Panels (a)–(f) and also Figure 2 show that solutions can satisfy either 𝑟max< or 𝑟max=.

Remark 1.1. It must be emphasized that it is illegitimate to claim that numerical results are rigorous proofs. Complete analytical proofs are needed to determine properties such as (1.10).

We now give a brief discussion of (1.10) which demonstrates the difficulties that arise in studying only the 𝑤 equation to resolve Specific Aims 1 and 2. The proof of the first property in (1.10) follows from (1.3), which implies that 𝑤(𝑟)>0 at any 𝑟(𝑟min,𝑟0], where 𝑤(𝑟)=0 and 𝑤(𝑟)>0. However, the fact that 𝑤(𝑟)<0 for all (𝑟min,𝑟0) is not sufficient by itself to prove whether 𝑟min=0 or 𝑟min>0. Nor does it prove the second part of (1.10), that lim𝑟𝑟+min(𝑤(𝑟),𝑤(𝑟))=(,). In fact, our study suggests that there is a unique 𝛽crit<0 where 𝑟min=0 (see Figure 1(d)), and that 𝑟min>0 at all other negative 𝛽 values. The proof of these claims requires the development of further estimates. Such estimates might be obtained using Pohozaev-type identities [7] or topological shooting techniques [8]. Once the location of 𝑟min and lim𝑟𝑟+min(𝑤(𝑟),𝑤(𝑟)) have been determined, we need to turn our attention to the interval 𝑟>𝑟0. As Figure 1 shows, there are several different types of behavior when 𝑟>𝑟0. For example, consider the solutions in panels (a), (b), and (c) in Figure 1. In each case,𝑟min>0,lim𝑟𝑟+min𝑤(𝑟)=.(1.11) When 𝑟>𝑟0, panels (a), (b), and (c) show three different behaviors of solutions, namely,𝑟max<,lim𝑟𝑟max𝑤(𝑟),𝑤=𝑟(𝑟)(0,.25),max=,lim𝑟𝑟max𝑤(𝑟),𝑤𝑟(𝑟)=(0,0),max<,lim𝑟𝑟max𝑤(𝑟),𝑤(𝑟)=(,).(1.12) These results lead to the following analytical challenge: given only the fact that a solution satisfies property (1.11) when 𝑟<𝑟0, how can we prove which of the possibilities (1.12) occurs when 𝑟>𝑟0? It is not at all clear how to answer this question using standard methods such as Pohozaev identities or topological shooting.

Solutions with 𝑟min=0
It is particularly important to understand the global behavior of solutions for which 𝑟min=0 since such solutions may play an important role in analyzing the asymptotic behavior of blowup of solutions of the time-dependent equation (1.2). Figure 1(d) shows one such solution for which 𝑟min=0. This solution lies entirely above 𝑤1(𝑟), that is, 𝑤(𝑟)>𝑤1(𝑟) for all 𝑟(0,𝑟max). Figure 2 shows two other solutions, labeled 𝑤2(𝑟) and 𝑤3(𝑟), for which 𝑟min=0. These solutions lie entirely below 𝑤1(𝑟) on (0,𝑟max). Our computations indicate that 𝑤2(𝑟) satisfies 𝑟max=, and that 𝑟max< for 𝑤3(𝑟). These numerical experiments lead to

Specific Aim 3. Let 𝑁>2 and 1<𝑝<𝑁/(𝑁2). Prove that there are at least three families of solutions, other than 𝑤1(𝑟), with 𝑟min=0. The solutions in these families have the following properties:(i)(see Figure 1(d)). For each 𝛼0>𝑤1(𝑟0) there exists 𝛽0<0 such that if 𝑤0(𝑟) is the solution of (1.3) with (𝑤0(𝑟0),𝑤0(𝑟0))=(𝛼0,𝛽0), then rmin=0, 𝑟max<,lim𝑟0+𝑤(𝑟),𝑤=(𝑟)(,),lim𝑟𝑟+max𝑤(𝑟),𝑤=(𝑟)(,).(1.13)(ii)(See Figure 2). For each 𝛼2(0,𝑤1(𝑟0)) there exists 𝛽2<0 such that if 𝑤2(𝑟) is the solution of (1.3) with (𝑤2(𝑟0),𝑤2(𝑟0))=(𝛼2,𝛽2), then 𝑟min=0, 𝑟max=,0<𝑤2(𝑟)<𝑤1(𝑟)𝑟>0,lim𝑟0+𝑤2(𝑟),𝑤2𝑤(𝑟)=(,),2(𝑟),𝑤2𝑤(𝑟)1(𝑟),𝑤1(𝑟)as𝑟.(1.14)(iii)(See Figure 2). For each 𝛼3(0,𝑤1(𝑟0)) there exists 𝛽3<0 such that if 𝑤3(𝑟) is the solution of (1.3) with (𝑤3(𝑟0),𝑤3(𝑟0))=(𝛼3,𝛽3), then 𝑟min=0,𝑟max<,lim𝑟0+𝑤3(𝑟),𝑤3𝑤(𝑟)1(𝑟),𝑤1(𝑟)as𝑟0+,𝑤𝑟max𝑟=0,𝑤max<0.(1.15)

Our Analytical Approach
Our goal is to develop techniques to efficiently prove the existence of solutions of the 𝑤 equation (1.3) satisfying the properties described in Specific Aims 1, 2, and 3. Our experience shows that the analysis of (1.3) is especially complicated since useful estimates must include the independent variable 𝑟. Our advance is to significantly simplify the analysis by transforming (1.3) into an equation which is autonomous, that is, independent or 𝑟. For this, let 𝑤(𝑟) denote any solution of (1.3), and define (𝜏)=𝑤(exp(𝜏))𝑤1(exp(𝜏)),<𝜏<.(1.16) Then (𝜏) solves +𝑁2𝑝1𝑝𝑁+2𝑁2+2(𝑁2)(𝑝1)2𝑁𝑝||||𝑁2𝑝11=0.(1.17)

Remark 1.2. The effect of transformation (1.16) is to change (1.3) into (1.17). Transformation (1.16) is similar to the classical Emden-Fowler transformation 𝑦=𝑤/𝑡, 𝑥=1/𝑡, which changes the Emden-Fowler equation 𝑦=𝐴𝑥𝑛𝑦𝑚(1.18) to the new equation 𝑤=𝐴𝑡𝑛𝑚3𝑤𝑚.(1.19)

Because (1.17) is autonomous, we can apply phase plane techniques to prove the behavior of its solutions. We then use the “inverse” formula𝑤(𝑟)=(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟),0<𝑟<(1.20) to determine the global behavior of corresponding solutions of the 𝑤 equation (1.3). In Section 2, we demonstrate the utility of this two step procedure. First, in Theorem 2.1, we analyze the equation (1.17), and prove the existence and global behavior of four new classes of solutions. Secondly, in Theorem 2.2, we demonstrate how these families generate four new families of singular solutions of the 𝑤 equation (1.3). In parts (i), (iii), and (iv) of Theorem 2.2 we show how the formula 𝑤(𝑟)=(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟) can be efficiently used to prove the precise asymptotic behavior of each solution as 𝑟𝑟+min, and as 𝑟𝑟max. These three solutions satisfy parts (i), (ii), and (iii) of Specific Aim 3. The final family of solutions in Theorem 2.2 (see part (ii)), is a family of “super singular solutions,” which satisfy 𝑟max=,𝑤(𝑟)>𝑤1𝑟(𝑟)𝑟min,,lim𝑟𝑟+min𝑤(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=.(1.21) However, it remains a challenging open problem (see Open Problems 1 and 2 in Section 2) to prove whether 𝑟min=0 or 𝑟min>0. If the first possibility holds, then we have a fourth family of singular solutions, other than 𝑤1(𝑟), which satisfy 𝑟min=0.

2. The Main Result

In this section, we show how to make use of the autonomous equation (1.17) to address the issues raised in Specific Aims 1, 2, and 3 for solutions of the nonautonomous 𝑤 equation (1.3). In particular, our technique shows how the analysis of a solution of (1.17) can be used to completely determine the behavior of the corresponding solution of the 𝑤 equation (1.3) on the maximal interval (𝑟min,𝑟max), where 𝑤 is positive. To demonstrate the utility of our method, we restrict our focus to four specific branches of solutions of the equation (1.17). Our approach consists of two steps.

First, in Theorem 2.1, we classify the behavior of solutions of (1.17) whose trajectories lie on the stable and unstable manifolds leading to and from the constant solution (,)=(1,0) in the (,) plane. The stable manifold has two components, 𝐵1 nd 𝐶1, and the unstable manifold has two components, 𝐷1 and 𝐸1. Solutions on 𝐵1, 𝐶1, 𝐷1, and𝐸1 are illustrated in Figure 4(a).

Secondly, in Theorem 2.2, we make use of the link𝑤(𝑟)=(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟),(2.1) to show how solutions with initial values on 𝐵1, 𝐶1, 𝐷1, and 𝐸1 translate into four new continuous families of singular solutions of the 𝑤 equation (1.3). For three of the four cases, we completely prove the behavior of solutions of the 𝑤 equation on the maximal interval (𝑟min,𝑟max), where they are positive. For the fourth case, it remains a challenging open problem (see Open Problems 1 and 2 below) to prove the asymptotic behavior of the solution at the left end point 𝑟=𝑟min. The important consequences of resolving these open problems is described in Section 3.

Theorem 2.1. Let 𝑁>2 and 1<𝑝<𝑁/(𝑁2). Then (i)There is a one-dimensional stable manifold Γ of solutions of (1.17) leading to (1,0) in the (,) phase plane. One component, 𝐵1, of Γ points into the region <1, >0. If ((0),(0))𝐵1, then0<(𝜏)<1,0<(𝜏)<𝑁2𝑁𝑝1𝑁2𝑝(𝜏)𝜏,(2.2)lim𝜏(𝜏),(𝜏)=(0,0),lim𝜏(𝜏)=(𝜏)𝑁2𝑁𝑝1𝑁2𝑝,(2.3)lim𝜏(𝜏),=(𝜏)(1,0).(2.4)(ii)The second component, 𝐶1, of Γ points into the region >1, <0 of the (,) plane. If a solution satisfies ((0),(0))𝐶1, and (𝜏min,) is its interval of existence, then(𝜏)>1,(𝜏)<0,𝜏(𝜏)>0𝜏min,,(2.5)lim𝜏(𝜏),(𝜏)=(1,0)lim𝜏𝜏+min(𝜏)=.(2.6)(iii)There is a one-dimensional unstable manifold Ω of solutions of (1.17) leading from (1,0) into the (,) plane. One component, 𝐷1, of Ω points into the region >1, >0. If a solution satisfies ((0),(0))𝐷1, and (,𝜏max) is its interval of existence, then 𝜏max<,(𝜏)>1,(𝜏)>0,(𝜏)>0𝜏,𝜏max,(2.7)lim𝜏(𝜏),(𝜏)=(1,0),lim𝜏𝜏max(𝜏),(𝜏)=(,).(2.8)(iv)The second component, 𝐸1, of Ω points into the region <1,<0 of the (,) plane. If ((0),(0))𝐸1, with 0<(0)<1 and (0)<0, then there exists a value 𝜏>0 such that0<(𝜏)<1,(𝜏)<0𝜏,𝜏,lim𝜏(𝜏),(𝜏𝜏)=(1,0),=0,𝜏<0.(2.9)

Proof of (i). We need to prove properties (2.2)–(2.4). The first step is to linearize (1.17) around the constant solution (,)=(0,0). This gives +𝑁2𝑝1𝑝𝑁+2𝑁22(𝑁2)(𝑝1)2𝑁𝑝𝑁2=0.(2.10) The eigenvalues associated with (2.10) satisfy 𝜇1=𝑁2𝑁𝑝1𝑁2𝑝>0,𝜇2=2𝑝1>0.(2.11) We will make use of the observation that (1.17) can be written as 𝜇1+𝜇2+𝜇1𝜇2=𝜇1𝜇2||||𝑝1.(2.12) Next, a linearization of (1.17) about the constant solution (,)=(1,0) gives +𝑁2𝑝1𝑝𝑁+2𝑁2+2(𝑁2)𝑁𝑝1𝑝𝑁2(1)=0.(2.13) Define 𝑘=2/(𝑝1). Then (2.13) becomes +𝛾+2(𝛾𝑘)(1)=0,(2.14) where 𝛾=𝑁2𝑝1𝑝𝑁+2𝑁2<0,𝛾𝑘=𝑁2𝑁𝑝1𝑝𝑁2<0.(2.15) Thus, the eigenvalues associated with (2.13) and (2.14) satisfy 𝜆1=𝛾𝛾28(𝛾𝑘)2<0,𝜆2=𝛾+𝛾28(𝛾𝑘)2>0.(2.16) It follows from (2.16) and the Stable Manifold Theorem that there is a one-dimensional stable manifold Γ of solutions leading to (1,0) in the (,) phase plane. Additionally, lim𝜏(𝜏)(𝜏)1=𝜆1(2.17) for ((𝜏),(𝜏))Γ. Thus, for sufficiently large 𝜏, solutions on Γ satisfy (𝜏)>1 if (𝜏)<0 and (𝜏)<1 if (𝜏)>0. Let 𝐵1 denote the component of Γ pointing into the region <1, >0 of the (,) plane. Assume that ((0),(0))𝐵1. Then (2.4) holds. It remains to prove (2.2)-(2.3). Because of (2.11) and (2.17), and the translation invariance of (2.12), we can choose 1(0)>0 and (0)>0 small enough so that 0<(𝜏)<1,0<(𝜏)<𝜇1[(𝜏)𝜏0,).(2.18) The definition of 𝐵1, together with (2.18), imply that the maximal interval of existence is of the form (𝜏min,), where 𝜏min<0.
Next, we show that 𝐵1𝑈𝑜, where 𝑈𝑜 is the bounded open triangular region 𝑈𝑜=1,20<1<1,0<2<𝜇11.(2.19) Figure 4(b) shows 𝑈𝑜 when (𝑁,𝑝)=(3,2). Because of (2.18), it suffices to show that ((𝜏),(𝜏))𝑈𝑜 for all 𝜏(𝜏min,0]. For contradiction, assume that ((𝜏),(𝜏)) leaves 𝑈𝑜 at some point in (𝜏min,0). Define 𝐻=𝑑𝑑𝜏𝜇1.(2.20) It follows from (2.12) that 𝐻 satisfies 𝐻𝜇2𝐻=𝜇1𝜇2||||𝑝1.(2.21) Suppose that ((𝜏),(𝜏)) leaves 𝑈𝑜 across the line 𝐻=0. That is, (see Figure 3(a)) suppose that there exists 𝜏0(𝜏min,0) such that 𝐻𝜏(𝜏)<0,0<(𝜏)<1on0𝜏,0,𝐻0=0.(2.22) If (𝜏0)=0, then (2.20) implies that (𝜏0)=0, contradicting uniqueness of the constant solution (,)=(0,0). Thus, (𝜏0)>0. Also, (2.22) implies that 𝐻𝜏00.(2.23) The fact that (𝜏0)>0, combined with (2.21), results in 𝐻𝜏0=𝜇1𝜇2𝜏0𝑝>0,(2.24) contradicting (2.23). Thus, ((𝜏),(𝜏)) can only leave 𝑈𝑜 across the line segment 0<<1,=0. If so, there is a 𝜏1(𝜏min,0) such that 𝐻(𝜏)<0,0<(𝜏)<1,𝜏(𝜏)>0𝜏1𝜏,0,(2.25)0<1<1,𝜏1=0,(2.26) as depicted in the right panel of Figure 3. Hence, 𝜏10.(2.27) It follows from (2.12) and (2.26) that 𝜏1=𝜇1𝜇2𝜏1𝑝1𝜏11<0,(2.28) contradicting (2.27). We conclude that ((𝜏),(𝜏)) cannot leave 𝑈𝑜 on (𝜏min,), hence 𝐵1𝑈𝑜 as claimed. Moreover, since ((𝜏),(𝜏)) is bounded, then 𝜏min= follows from standard ODE theory. Thus, ((𝜏),(𝜏))𝑈𝑜 for all 𝜏, and, therefore, (𝜏)>0 for all 𝜏.Proof of the first part (2.3). First, we prove that 0+ as 𝜏. Since (𝜏)>0 and 0<(𝜏)<1 on , then 0<1 where, =lim𝜏. To obtain a contradiction suppose that >0. Then 0<<1 and (2.12) yield 𝑑2𝑑𝜏2𝜇1+𝜇2𝑑𝑑𝜏𝜇1𝜇2𝑝11<0as𝜏.(2.29) It follows from (2.29) that (𝜏)(𝜇1+𝜇2)(𝜏) as 𝜏 which contradicts the fact that 𝑈𝑜 is bounded and ((𝜏),(𝜏))𝑈𝑜 for all 𝜏. Thus, (𝜏)0+ as 𝜏. Next, we show that (𝜏)0+ as 𝜏. Note that 0<(𝜏)<𝜇1(𝜏) on (,0] is an immediate consequence of 𝐻(𝜏)<0 and (𝜏)>0 on (,0]. Therefore, (𝜏)0+ as 𝜏 follows from the fact that (𝜏)0+ as 𝜏.Proof of second part of (2.3). Finally, we need to prove that 𝜌=(/)𝜇1 as 𝜏. The definition of 𝜌 together with (2.12) gives 𝜌+𝜌2𝜇1+𝜇2𝜌=𝜇1𝜇2𝑝11.(2.30) We now show that 𝜌𝜇1 monotonically as 𝜏. Differentiating (2.30) yields 𝜌+2𝜌𝜇1𝜇2𝜌=𝜇1𝜇2(𝑝1)𝑝2.(2.31) Hence, if 𝜌(𝜏)=0 for some 𝜏, then 𝜌𝜏=𝜇1𝜇2(𝑝1)𝑝2𝜏𝜏>0.(2.32) This implies that 𝜌 has at most one zero on . Furthermore, 0<𝜌(𝜏)=(𝜏)(𝜏)<𝜇1𝜏(2.33) since (𝜏),(𝜏)𝑈𝑜𝜏.(2.34) Thus, 𝜌=lim𝜏𝜌 exists and 0𝜌𝜇1. Moreover, the fact that 𝜌 is finite ensures the existence of an unbounded decreasing sequence {𝜏𝑛} such that lim𝜏𝑛𝜌(𝜏𝑛)=0. Substituting lim𝜏𝑛𝜌𝜏𝑛=0=lim𝜏𝑛𝜏𝑛,𝜌=lim𝜏𝑛𝜌(2.35) into (2.30) results in 𝜌2𝜇1+𝜇2𝜌+𝜇1𝜇2=0.(2.36) The bound 0𝜌𝜇1 and (2.36) imply that 𝜌=𝜇1. Thus, 𝜌𝜇1 as 𝜏 as claimed.

Proof of (ii). It follows from the Stable Manifold Theorem and (2.17) that there is a second component, 𝐶1, of Γ which points into the region >1,<0 of the (,) plane (Figure 4(a)). Thus, if ((0),(0))𝐶1, and (0)1>0 is sufficiently small, then (𝜏)>1[(𝜏)<0𝜏0,),(2.37)lim𝜏(𝜏),(𝜏)=(1,0).(2.38) Let (𝜏min,) denote the interval of existence of this solution. It remains to prove (2.5) and the second part of (2.6), that is, that (𝜏)>1,(𝜏)<0,𝜏(𝜏)>0𝜏min,,(2.39)lim𝜏𝜏+min(𝜏)=.(2.40) Let (𝜏,) denote the maximal subinterval of (𝜏min,) such that (𝜏)<0 for all 𝜏(𝜏,). From the definition of 𝜏 and (2.37), it follows that (𝜏)>1 for all 𝜏>𝜏. Next, we prove that 𝜏=𝜏min. Suppose, for contradiction, that 𝜏>𝜏min. Then 𝜏>1𝜏=0,𝜏0.(2.41) From (1.17), and the fact that (𝜏)>1 and (𝜏)=0, it follows that 𝜏=2(𝑁2)(𝑝1)2𝑁𝑝||𝜏𝑁2||𝑝1𝜏1>0,(2.42) which contradicts (2.41). We conclude that 𝜏=𝜏min, hence (𝜏)>1 and (𝜏)<0 for all 𝜏(𝜏min,). Finally, suppose that (̂𝜏)=0 at some ̂𝜏(𝜏min,). A differentiation (1.17) gives (̂𝜏)=2(𝑁2)(𝑝1)2𝑁𝑝𝑝||||𝑁2(̂𝜏)𝑝11(̂𝜏)<0.(2.43) Thus, since <0 whenever =0, we conclude that (𝜏)<0 for all 𝜏>̂𝜏. This implies that ()<0, contradicting (2.38). Therefore, it must be the case that (𝜏)>0 for all 𝜏(𝜏min,). This completes the proof of (2.39). It then follows from (2.39) and standard theory that lim𝜏𝜏+min(𝜏)=, and (2.40) is proved.

Open Problem 1. The issue of whether 𝜏min= or 𝜏min> remains unresolved. Its resolution may lead to new classes of solutions of the 𝑤 equation (1.3). Precise details of the implications for solutions of (1.3) are given below, both in the proof of Theorem 2.2, and in the discussion which follows its proof.

Proof of (iii). It follows from (2.16) and the Stable Manifold Theorem that there is a one-dimensional unstable manifold Ω of solutions leading from (1,0) into the (,) plane. Additionally, solutions on Ω satisfy lim𝜏(𝜏)(𝜏)1=𝜆2>0.(2.44) Thus, for sufficiently large 𝜏, solutions on Ω satisfy (𝜏)>1 if (𝜏)>0, and (𝜏)<1 if (𝜏)<0. Let 𝐷1 denote the component of Ω pointing into the region >1, >0 of the (,) plane (Figure 4(a)). Let ((0),(0))𝐷1. Then lim𝜏((𝜏),(𝜏))=(1,0), hence, the first part of (2.8) is proved. Next, because of (2.44) and the translation invariance of (2.12), we can choose (0)1>0 and (0)>0 small enough so that (𝜏)>1,](𝜏)>0,𝜏(,0.(2.45) The interval of existence of this solution is of the form (,𝜏max), where 𝜏max>0. It remains to prove that finite time blowup occurs, that is, that 𝜏max<, and (𝜏)>1,(𝜏)>0,(𝜏)>0𝜏,𝜏max,(2.46)lim𝜏𝜏max(𝜏),(𝜏)=(,).(2.47) Let (,𝜏) denote the maximal subinterval of (,𝜏max) such that (𝜏)>0 for all 𝜏(,𝜏). It follows from (2.45) and the definition of 𝜏 that (𝜏)>1 for all 𝜏(,𝜏). We claim that 𝜏=𝜏max. Suppose, for contradiction, that 𝜏<𝜏max. Then 𝜏𝜏>1,=0,𝜏0.(2.48) However, (1.17) and the fact that (𝜏)>1 and (𝜏)=0, imply that 𝜏=2(𝑁2)(𝑝1)2𝑁𝑝||𝜏𝑁2||𝑝1𝜏1>0,(2.49) contradicting (2.48). Thus, 𝜏=𝜏max, hence (𝜏)>1 and (𝜏)>0 for all 𝜏(,𝜏max). Also, it follows exactly as in the Proof of (ii) that (𝜏) does not change sign on (,𝜏max), and that (𝜏)>0 for all 𝜏(,𝜏max). This completes the proof of (2.46). Next, we prove that 𝜏max<. Suppose, however, that 𝜏max=. Then (𝜏)>0 for all 𝜏(,). This implies that (𝜏)(0)>0𝜏0,lim𝜏(𝜏)=.(2.50) To use (2.50) to contradict the assumption that 𝜏max<, we analyze 𝑆=22+2(𝑁2)(𝑝1)2𝑁𝑝𝑁2𝑝+1𝑝+122,(2.51) which satisfies 𝑆=𝑁2𝑝1𝑁+2𝑁2𝑝2.(2.52) Since (𝜏)(0)>0 for all 𝜏0, it follows from an integration of (2.52) that 𝑆(𝜏) as 𝜏. These, (2.51) and the fact that (𝜏) as 𝜏, imply that there is a 𝜏10 such that 𝑆(𝜏)0 for all 𝜏𝜏1, that is, that 22(𝑁2)(𝑝1)2𝑁𝑁2𝑝𝑝+1𝑝+1𝜏𝜏1.(2.53) An integration of (2.53) gives ((𝜏))(1𝑝)/2𝜏1(1𝑝)/2+𝑎(1𝑝)2𝜏𝜏1,𝜏𝜏1,(2.54) where 𝑎=(2(𝑁2)/(𝑝1)(𝑝1)2)(𝑁/(𝑁2)𝑝))1/2>0 since 1<𝑝<𝑁/(𝑁2). The right side of (2.54) is negative when 𝜏>𝜏2=𝜏1+(2(𝑝1)/𝑎)((𝜏1))(1𝑝)/2. Thus, (2.54) reduces to ((𝜏))(1𝑝)/2<0 when 𝜏>𝜏2, a contradiction. We conclude that 𝜏max<, as claimed. Since 𝜏max<, it follows from (1.17), (2.7), and standard theory that ((𝜏),(𝜏))(,) as 𝜏𝜏max. This proves property (2.47).

Proof of (iv). It follows from the Stable Manifold Theorem and (2.44) that there is a second component, 𝐸1, of Ω which points into the region 0<<1, <0 of the (,) plane. Thus, if ((0),(0))𝐸1, and 1(0)>0 is sufficiently small, then 0<(𝜏)<1,],(𝜏)<0𝜏(,0lim𝜏(𝜏),(𝜏)=(1,0).(2.55) Define 𝜏=sup̂𝜏>00<(𝜏)<1,[)(𝜏)<0𝜏0,̂𝜏.(2.56) We need to prove that 𝜏<, that (𝜏) and (𝜏) are finite, 𝜏=0,𝜏<0.(2.57) For this, integrate (1.17) and get (𝜏)𝑒𝐴𝜏=(0)+𝐵𝜏0𝑒𝐴𝜂||||(𝜂)𝑝11(𝜂)𝑑𝜂,0𝜏<𝜏,(2.58) where 𝐴=((𝑁2)/(𝑝1))(𝑝(𝑁+2)/(𝑁2))<0 and 𝐵=(2(𝑁2)/(𝑝1)2)(𝑁/(𝑁2)𝑝)>0. Because (||𝑝11)>1 for all [0,1], it follows that 𝜏0𝑒𝐴𝜂||||(𝜂)𝑝11(𝜂)𝑑𝜂𝜏0𝑒𝐴𝜂𝑑𝜂=1𝐴𝑒𝐴𝜏1𝜏0,𝜏.(2.59) Combining (2.58) and (2.59) gives 0>(𝜏)𝑒𝐴𝜏𝐵(0)𝐴𝑒𝐴𝜏1𝜏0,𝜏.(2.60) We conclude from (2.60) that if 𝜏 is finite, then (𝜏) and (𝜏) are bounded on the closed interval [0,𝜏]. This, (2.58), the definition of 𝜏, and (2.60) imply that (𝜏)<0 and (𝜏)=0 if 𝜏 is finite. Thus, (2.57) is proved if 𝜏 is shown to be finite. We assume, for contradiction, that 𝜏=. Then 0<(𝜏)<1,(𝜏)<0𝜏0.(2.61) Since the integral term in (2.58) is negative for all 𝜏0, then (2.58) reduces to (𝜏)𝑒𝐴𝜏(0) for all 𝜏0. An integration gives (𝜏)(0)(0)𝐴𝑒𝐴𝜏[1𝜏0,).(2.62) The right side of (2.62) is negative when 𝜏>(1/𝐴)ln((0)𝐴/(0)+1), contradicting (2.61). We conclude that 𝜏<, as claimed. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.1.

Solutions of the 𝑤 equation
Below, in Theorem 2.2, we show how to combine parts (i)–(iv) of Theorem 2.1 together with the formula 𝑤(𝑟)=(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟),(2.63) to generate new families of solutions of the 𝑤 equation (1.3). In each of the four cases (i)–(iv), we show how to use (2.63) to prove the existence of an entire continuum of new singular solutions of (1.3). In each case, our approach is to let ((0),(0)) be an arbitrarily chosen element of one of the four continuous curves 𝐵1,𝐶1,𝐷1 or 𝐸1. Since 𝑟=𝑒𝜏, the initial conditions for the corresponding solution of (1.3) are given at 𝑟=𝑒0=1, and satisfy 𝑤(1)=(0)𝑤1(1),𝑤(1)=(0)𝑤(1)+(0)𝑤(1).(2.64) Because the curves 𝐵1, 𝐶1, 𝐷1, and 𝐸1 are continuous, this technique generates four new continua of solutions of the 𝑤 equation. In addition, for cases (i), (iii), and (iv), our analytical technique allows us to completely resolve the issues raised in Specific Aims 1, 2, and 3 in Section 1. That is, for each of the solutions described in (i), (iii), and (iv) we show how to efficiently prove the limiting behavior of the solution at both ends of the maximal interval (𝑟min,𝑟max), where it is positive. For part (ii), our analysis of the behavior of solutions at 𝑟min is incomplete, and this leads to Open Problem 2 which is stated at the end of the proof of (ii). This problem is directly related to Open Problem 1 described above at the end of the proof of part (ii) of Theorem 2.1.
Open Problem 3 Prove the existence of other families of solutions of (1.3). For example, the existence and limiting behavior of the solutions labeled (c) and (f) in Figure 1 have not yet been proved. It is our hope that our analytical techniques can be extended to prove the existence and limiting behavior of these and many other new families of solutions.

Theorem 2.2. Let 𝑁>2 and 1<𝑝<𝑁/(𝑁2), and let 𝑤1(𝑟) denote the positive singular solution of (1.3) defined in (1.4).

(1) A Continuum of Singular Solutions Generated by 𝐵1
Let 2(𝜏) denote a solution of (1.17) which satisfies (2(0),2(0))𝐵1 in part (i) of Theorem 2.1. The corresponding solution 𝑤2(𝑟)=2(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟) of (1.3) has initial values 𝑤2(1)=2(0)𝑤1(1),𝑤2(1)=2(0)𝑤(1)+2(0)𝑤(1),(2.65) and satisfies 0<𝑤2(𝑟)<𝑤1𝑤(𝑟)𝑟>0,2(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑤𝑟)1as𝑟,2(𝑟)42(𝑁2)(𝑝1)(𝑝1)21/(𝑝1)𝑟(𝑁2)as𝑟0+.(2.66) Figures 2 and 4(d) show solutions of (1.3) with these properties.

(2) A Continuum of Singular Solutions Generated by 𝐶1
Let 3(𝜏) denote a solution of (1.17) which satisfies (3(0),3(0))𝐶1 in part (ii) of Theorem 2.1. The corresponding solution 𝑤3(𝑟)=3(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟) of (1.3) has initial values 𝑤3(1)=3(0)𝑤1(1),𝑤3(1)=3(0)𝑤(1)+3(0)𝑤(1).(2.67) Let (𝑟min,𝑟max) be the maximal interval where 𝑤3(𝑟)>0. Then 𝑟max=, 𝑤3(𝑟)>𝑤1(𝑟)𝑟>𝑟min,(2.68)lim𝑟𝑟+min𝑤3(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=,lim𝑟𝑤3(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=1.(2.69) Figure 1(b) shows a solution of (1.3) with these properties.

(3) A Continuum of Singular Solutions Generated by 𝐷1
Let 4(𝜏) denote a solution of (1.17) which satisfies (4(0),4(0))𝐷1 in part (iii) of Theorem 2.1. The corresponding solution 𝑤4(𝑟)=4(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟) of (1.3) has initial values 𝑤4(1)=4(0)𝑤1(1),𝑤4(1)=4(0)𝑤(1)+4(0)𝑤(1).(2.70) Let (𝑟min,𝑟max) be the maximal interval where 𝑤4(𝑟)>0. Then 𝑟min=0 and 𝑟max<, 𝑤4(𝑟)>𝑤1(𝑟)𝑟0,𝑟max,(2.71)lim𝑟0+𝑤4(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=1,lim𝑟𝑟max𝑤4(𝑟)=.(2.72) Figure 1(d) shows a solution of (1.3) with these properties.

(4) A Continuum of Singular Solutions Generated by 𝐸1
Let 5(𝜏) denote a solution of (1.17) which satisfies (5(0),5(0))𝐸1 in part (iv) of Theorem 2.1. The corresponding solution 𝑤5(𝑟)=5(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟) of (1.3) has initial values 𝑤5(1)=5(0)𝑤1(1),𝑤5(1)=5(0)𝑤(1)+5(0)𝑤(1).(2.73) Let (𝑟min,𝑟max) be the maximal interval where 𝑤5(𝑟)>0. Then 𝑟min=0 and 𝑟max<, 0<𝑤5(𝑟)<𝑤1(𝑟)𝑟0,𝑟max,(2.74)lim𝑟0+𝑤5(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=1,lim𝑟𝑟m𝑎𝑥𝑤4(𝑟)=0.(2.75) Figure 2 shows a solution of (1.3) with these properties.

Proof of (1). Let 2 denote a solution of (1.3) which satisfies part (i) of Theorem 2.1. By (1.20), the solution of (1.3) corresponding to 2 is 𝑤2(𝑟)=2(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟).(2.76) It follows from (2.2) in Theorem 2.1 that 0<2(ln(𝑟))<1 for all 𝑟>0. This, as well as (2.76), implies that 0<𝑤2(𝑟)<𝑤1(𝑟)𝑟>0(2.77) (see Figure 4(d)). We claim that 𝑤2 is singular at 𝑟=0. The first step in proving this claim is to observe that (2.3) and (2.11) imply that (2(𝜏)/2(𝜏))𝜇1 as 𝜏. Thus, ln(2(𝜏))𝜇1𝜏 as 𝜏. This and the fact that 𝜏=ln(𝑟) lead to 2(𝜏)=2(ln(𝑟))𝑟𝜇1as𝑟0+.(2.78) Substituting (1.4) and (2.78) into (2.76) gives 𝑤2(𝑟)42(𝑁2)(𝑝1)(𝑝1)21/(𝑝1)𝑟𝜇1𝜇2as𝑟0+.(2.79) Our claim that 𝑤2 is singular at 𝑟=0 follows from (2.79) and the fact that 𝜇1𝜇2=2𝑁<0. It remains to determine the asymptotic behavior of 𝑤2(𝑟) as 𝑟. Since 2(ln(𝑟))1 as 𝑟, then (𝑤2(𝑟)/𝑤1(𝑟))1 as 𝑟. This completes the proof of properties (2.66).

Proof of (2). Let 3 denote a solution of (1.3) which satisfies part (ii) of Theorem 2.1. By (1.20), the solution of (1.3) corresponding to 3 is 𝑤3(𝑟)=3(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟).(2.80) Initial conditions (2.67) follow exactly as in the proof of part (i). Let (𝑟min,𝑟max) denote the maximal interval over which 𝑤3(𝑟)>0. It follows from (2.5) in Theorem 2.1 that 𝑟max= and 4(ln(𝑟))>1 for all 𝑟>𝑟min. This, together with (2.80), implies that 𝑤3(𝑟)>𝑤1𝑟(𝑟)𝑟min,.(2.81) This proves (2.68). Property (2.6) in Theorem 2.1, as well as (2.80), imply that lim𝑟𝑤3(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=lim𝑟3(ln(𝑟))=1,(2.82)lim𝑟𝑟+min𝑤3(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=lim𝑟𝑟+min3(ln(𝑟))=.(2.83)

Open Problem 2. Prove whether 𝑟min=0 or 𝑟min>0. This problem arises as a direct consequence of Open Problem 1 described above at the end of the proof of part (ii) of Theorem 2.1. If it can be proved that 𝑟min=0, then 𝑤3(𝑟)>𝑤1(𝑟)𝑟(0,),lim𝑟0+𝑤3(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=.(2.84) Because 𝑤3(𝑟) much faster than 𝑤1(𝑟), we refer to any solution satisfying either (2.83) of (2.84) as a Super Singular Solution. This class of solutions has not previously been reported.

Proof of (3). Let 4 denote a solution of (1.3) which satisfies part (iii) of Theorem 2.1. By (1.20), the solution of (1.3) corresponding to 4 is 𝑤4(𝑟)=4(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟).(2.85) Initial conditions (2.70) follow exactly as in the proof of part (i). Let (𝑟min,𝑟max) denote the maximal interval over which 𝑤4(𝑟)>0. It follows from (2.7) in Theorem 2.1 that 𝑟min=0 and 𝑟max<, and 4(ln(𝑟))>1 for all 𝑟(0,𝑟max). This, together with (2.85), implies that 𝑤4(𝑟)>𝑤1(𝑟)𝑟0,𝑟max.(2.86) This proves (2.71). Property (2.8), in Theorem 2.1, as well as (2.85), implies that lim𝑟𝑟max𝑤4(𝑟)=lim𝑟𝑟max4(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟)=,lim𝑟0+𝑤4(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=lim𝑟0+4(ln(𝑟))=1.(2.87) This completes the proof of (2.72).

Proof of (4). Let 5 denote a solution of (1.3) which satisfies part (iv) of Theorem 2.1. By (1.20), the solution of (1.3) corresponding to 5 is 𝑤5(𝑟)=5(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟).(2.88) Initial conditions (2.73) follow exactly as in the proof of part (i). Let (𝑟min,𝑟max) be the maximal interval over which 𝑤5(𝑟)>0. It follows from (2.9) in Theorem 2.1 that 𝑟min=0 and 𝑟max<, and 5(ln(𝑟))<1 for all 𝑟(0,𝑟max). This, together with (2.88), implies that 0<𝑤5(𝑟)<𝑤1(𝑟)𝑟0,𝑟max.(2.89) This proves (2.74). Properties (2.9) in Theorem 2.1, and (2.88), imply that lim𝑟0+𝑤3(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=lim𝑟0+3(ln(𝑟))=1,lim𝑟𝑟max𝑤5(𝑟)=lim𝑟𝑟max5(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟)=0.(2.90) This completes the proof of (2.75). Therefore, Theorem 2.2 is proved.

3. Conclusions

In this paper, our analytic advance is the development of methods to efficiently prove the existence and asymptotic behavior of families of positive singular solutions of (1.3). Our approach consists of the following three steps.

Step 1. Transform the nonautonomous 𝑤 equation (1.3) into the autonomous equation (1.17) by setting (𝜏)=𝑤(exp(𝜏))𝑤1(exp(𝜏)),<𝜏<.(3.1)

Step 2. Analyze the existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions of (1.17) which are positive on a maximal interval (𝜏min,𝜏max).

Step 3. For each such solution of the equation, make use of the inverse transformation 𝑤(𝑟)=(ln(𝑟))𝑤1(𝑟),0<𝑟<(3.2) to prove the existence and asymptotic behavior of the associated solution (3.2) of the 𝑤 equation on the maximal interval (𝑟min,𝑟max), where 𝑤(𝑟)>0.

In Section 2, we used this three-step procedure (see Theorems 2.1 and 2.2) to prove the existence and asymptotic behavior of three new families of solutions of (1.3). Open Problems 1 and 2 describe a fourth family of solutions whose existence is also proved in these theorems, and which satisfy𝑤(𝑟)>𝑤1(𝑟),𝑤𝑟(𝑟)<0𝑟min,,lim𝑟𝑤(𝑟)=0.(3.3) The unresolved issue is to prove whether 𝑟min=0 or 𝑟min>0. If 𝑟min=0, then solutions in this family satisfy the limiting propertylim𝑟0+𝑤(𝑟)𝑤1(𝑟)=.(3.4) Thus, as 𝑟0+, these “super singular” solutions approach much faster than the closed form solution 𝑤1(𝑟).

Open Problem 3. Prove the existence and asymptotic behavior of families of positive solutions of (1.3) other than those found in Theorem 2.2. For example, the existence and limiting behavior of the solutions labelled (c) and (f) in Figure 1 have not yet been proved. It is our hope that our techniques can be extended to prove the existence and limiting behavior of these and many other new families of solutions.

Open Problem 4. Determine the role that the singular solutions proved in Theorem 2.2 play in the analysis of the full time-dependent PDE (1.2). Can the analytic techniques developed by Souplet and Weissler [5], and those of Chen and Derrick [6], be extended to apply to these new solutions?